
Ocean Debris

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There are various forms of pollution that affect many terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. One of the most prevalent forms of pollutants is litter as humans often dispose of their unwanted trash, improperly. There are many sources of litter from not discarding unwanted items into trash receptacles to trash being blown out of Waste Management Districts; some litter may be accidental and other litter is intentionally disposed of incorrectly. Whether producing litter is done intentionally or unintentionally, items such as nets, food wrappers, cigarette filters, plastic containers, and other debris impose serious hazards to wildlife, habitats, and human safety. Our research for this literature review has used eight sources to compile some basic knowledge on the affects trash on land and in coastal waters. These papers have taught us about debris accumulating in the ocean, cleanup efforts, and what the pollution's impacts are on the environment. In this review we will be comparing these articles content to help better understand the topic at hand.

The use of single-use products in our world today has created a problem with disposal. Everyday we use products, toss them aside, and forget about them. So …show more content…

and Derraik both agree that the methodology used to collect data on benthic marine debris is not consistent, however they also agree that there is a substantial amount of debris out there. Ocean debris consists of products from land as well as ones that have originated at sea and they range anywhere from micro plastics to shoes and hockey gloves. Spengler, et al. as performed a study to check what types of benthic debris was on the seafloor using six different methods including: bottom trawl net, sonar, submersible, snorkeling, scuba diving and manta tow. They found that there is not much of a standard when collecting debris data on the seafloor, making it very difficult to analyze what they found in any particular area versus another

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