
Oceana In 1984

Decent Essays

If I asked you do you believe that George Orwell has predicted many societies today back in 1949 what would you say? Most would say that there is no way any society could ever be as bad as Oceana in 1984. I beg to differ because we do have multiple societies today that live in an “Oceanic” society. Cuba for example has some of the closest traits I could find relating to Oceana with the connections with poverty and rations or the government control. In the article I have found from the Washington Post, Cuban society in present day closely mimics what Orwell was trying to depict in 1984. The article named “Life under Cuban Communism” by Llya Somin of the Washington post, reminds me of a book titled 1984 by George Orwell. In the article Mr.Somin …show more content…

In 1984, the main character Winston Smith constantly has to hide the fact that he has razors to shave with because Oceana’s government had strict rations on the amount of blades given to its citizens. This is very similar to life in Havana where food and other necessary essentials are heavily rationed to prevent shortages. Considering the United States will not export or import from Cuba they are very limited to what they can have shipped from other countries. In 1984 for example when Winston was a child he remembers always being hungry and not having enough food with the rations him and his family were given. Winston as a growing boy needed more food than his mother and sister but with the rations placed on the citizens it was hard to get a full meal as he states, “He would cry out with rage when she stopped ladling, he would try to wrench the saucepan and spoon out of her hands, he would grab bits from his sisters plate” (Orwell 162). I can only imagine how the children in Havana with rations placed on them, if this is what they do or think. Malnutrition can make people do things that they wouldn’t do if they weren’t …show more content…

In Havana however, “big brother” is Fidel Castro who has been in power for quite some time now and has created a dystopian society in our world today. Cuba’s government much like in 1984, do not like outsiders from other countries because then people will see the truth of what is happening and tell the people. The government in 1984 is always at war with other countries and are constantly changing who the enemy is for example, “Merely it became known, with extreme suddenness and everywhere at once, that Eastasia not Eurasia was the enemy” (Orwell 180). Just like that excerpt from 1984 Cuba under the communist regime can manipulate its citizens to believe what they want them to believe. The power of propaganda and manipulation schemes by powerful governments can be very scary when thinking you could start another world

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