October is the tenth month of the current Gregorian calendar and the previous Julian calendar. The name October originates from the Latin word octo meaning eight. When the name was given the calendar began with March being the first month. Thus making October the eighth month. During the reign of King Numa Pompilius when the calendar was changed, the addition of January and February changed October to the tenth month, this was around Seven hundred BC. October has always had thirty one days making it one of the current seven months with thirty one days. In middle English it is octobre and Winterfylleth in Anglo Saxon. October's birthstone is the Opal and there is a ledgend; that if an opal is worn by some one who is not born in October the opal will crack. …show more content…
Correspondences are: Nature spirits listed are Frost faeries and plant faeries. The color named is dark blue-green. The astrological signs are libra and scorpio. Some corresponding herbs are Catnip, burdock, thyme, and pennyroyal. Yew, cypress and acacia are the trees associated with October. Some of the deities are The Horned god, Cernunnos, Osiris, the Morrigan, Hathor, and Astarte. Gem stones associated with October are the opal, turquoise, beryl, rose sapphire,and tourmaline. Scents for October are Apple blossom, cherry and strawberry. October is considered the time for reincarnation, inner cleansing, justice and balance and letting go of
African-Americans in the South after the Civil War were new to the concept of freedom, yet that very small two syllable word meant a lot to them. Slaves were not considered as a piece of property that could be used and abused by their slaveholders anymore. Slaves families were separated by the effects of slavery, so the freed slaves immediately tried to reunite with their families. News finally reached Texas about slaves being freed on June 19th, 1865, also called Juneteenth. Juneteenth is considered one of the oldest known celebrations that commemorated the end of slavery in the United States. The news of the Emancipation Proclamation did not reach Texas until about two years after its public awareness because there was little Union
one of the holiest months of the year. It was in 610 A.D. when the prophet Mohammad was said
Samhain is celebrate on October 31, the name literally means “Summer's End.” This is a Celtic holiday that was considered the end of the years and the beginning or the new year. It is the time that is between time. Samhain was changed to All Hallows when Christianity was booming. But the Christians celebrated it on May 13, but since this was one of the favorite pagan holidays, it was not easily given up, so the Christians moved the date of their All Saints/ All Hallows from May to November first, the day after Samhain. Later in England, the holiday was abolished because of all the pagan undertones that it had and was not restored until 1928. The reason for restoring it then was because there was an assumption that all the old pagans have died
It is based from December 26th to January 1st. This holiday is also based on the African harvest celebrations.
Ancient observers recorded months based upon the cycling of the moon through its phases, from full to new and full again—a process that occurs approximately every 29 and one half days and is called the synodic month. Several means of determining this value have been applied since antiquity, but among the most useful has been the measurement of the tropical year. Prior to the twentieth century, such calculations produced inaccuracies on the scale of several minutes. Due to such errors, and because the values used in dividing time according to lunar or solar reckoning produced such widely divergent results, calendar-makers found it necessary to introduce intercalations to the calendar year, adding days where appropriate in order to maintain consistency between the accepted values for the length of a month and the actual time required for the Earth to complete its transit around the sun. Determining the length of the tropical year involves calculating the period of time elapsed between the sun's passage through successive vernal equinoxes—moments marking the beginning of Spring when the sun is directly above the equator and the hours of day and night are
It is really amazing to think that as the Julian calendar took effect for the very first time in history New Year’s Day was celebrated on January 1 in 45 B.C. Once Roman dictator Julius Caesar came into power he decided that the Roman calendar needed reforming. Around the seventh century B.C. the calendar followed the lunar cycle but at certain times it fell out of phase as the seasons changed and needed to be corrected. Another problem was that the pontifices, the Roman body who was in charge of the calendar would try to abuse its authority and even went so far as to add days just to extend political terms or to interfere with elections. You can imagine how troublesome this could be today if people had the power to play around with the calendar.
Secondly, King Numa is credited with the formulation of the religious calendar to include the months of
Where does it originate? The first calendar was originally brought up by Julius Caesar in 46 B.C. This calendar was named the Julius Calendar. But there was a small miscalculation by the Roman Empire, the length of the solar year by 11 minutes, the calendar fell out of sync with the seasons.
The Aztec calendar consisted consisted of two aspects that when combined worked towards the 52 year cycle, which in our time is equal to a century. The first aspect was a 260 day cycle meant for counting days while the second was a 365 day cycle that was for counting years, they worked together like two wheels. The 260 day cycle is used for divination and forms an almanac which is made up of 20 groups of days with names or numbers. After going through the full 260 day cycle the calendar would be reset. The numbered and named days would also be replaced with a new combination. Each combination had their own meaning which is why the 260 day aspect was used for divination and acted as an almanac. The 365 day cycle was used for the cycle of seasonal festivals and was divided up into 18 months consisted of 20 days of the 260 day cycle. Every 365 day cycle was given a name with it’s own meaning. Depending on the combination the festivals could be directed towards a multitude of things. As said by Richard F. Townsend “As mentioned above, there was an annual cycle of 18 festivals associated with the eighteen veintena “months” of the 365-day solar year. These festivals were basically of three types: those directed to mountains and water in order to ensure rain; those directed to the earth, the sun, and maize, to ensure fertility, those directed to special deities, particularly those identified as patrons of different community groups or of the community as a whole.” (The AZTECS,
Fall is the time for letting go of the old ways and bringing in the new life. Autumn is also the period where one harvests their desire to learn. Autumn is the time for departure but having already fulfilled in wisdom and maturity. Fall is also the time to be thankful for all the things that occurred in your life. In Japan, the fall festivals are a way for the people to pray and be thankful for the harvests. Some festivals that occur in Japan during this time of the year are: Marimo Matsuri, Nada no Kenka Matsuri, Sichi-Go-San, Tori no Ichi, and the Kawagoe Matsuri.
June was originally the fourth month of the year in the Roman calendar and consisted of 30 days. It became the fifth month with a length of 29 days when Numa reformed the Roman calendar.
I arrive to the coliseum around 7:05. I truly didn’t know what to expect from this event. From the name of it, I was thinking along of the lines of a religious event. But Fall Convocation was in fact something different and indeed shocked me greatly.
Because in Germany, April is called ‘Ostermonat’, he wanted to prove the existence of an ancient deity of the pre-Christian religion. He concluded that ‘Austra’ (from the Old Norse and latin for ‘Rising Sun’ or ‘east’) must have been the name ‘Eostre’ and ‘Ostara’ came from, although all he did was take the name back to its meaning, he did not find his elusive ‘Goddess of the Dawn’. He did find mention of a being called ‘Austri’ mentioned in the Prose Edda ‘Gylfaginning’… a male dwarf of the east!
Well, we’re in another anomalous year this year. It’s a leap year and at the end of February we will correct an oddity of the Earth’s orbit and add a day to the calendar. The tradition of adding February twenty-ninth to the calendar dates back
The Hebrew calendar is Lunar and the Gregorian is solar. The Hebrew’s august is Av and in the Gregorian calendar it’s August ,and they both start with ‘A’ they are both calendars. Gregorian calendar and the Hebrew calendar both have similar days from 29 days to 31 days in a month.