
October Research Paper

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October is the tenth month of the current Gregorian calendar and the previous Julian calendar. The name October originates from the Latin word octo meaning eight. When the name was given the calendar began with March being the first month. Thus making October the eighth month. During the reign of King Numa Pompilius when the calendar was changed, the addition of January and February changed October to the tenth month, this was around Seven hundred BC. October has always had thirty one days making it one of the current seven months with thirty one days. In middle English it is octobre and Winterfylleth in Anglo Saxon. October's birthstone is the Opal and there is a ledgend; that if an opal is worn by some one who is not born in October the opal will crack. …show more content…

Correspondences are: Nature spirits listed are Frost faeries and plant faeries. The color named is dark blue-green. The astrological signs are libra and scorpio. Some corresponding herbs are Catnip, burdock, thyme, and pennyroyal. Yew, cypress and acacia are the trees associated with October. Some of the deities are The Horned god, Cernunnos, Osiris, the Morrigan, Hathor, and Astarte. Gem stones associated with October are the opal, turquoise, beryl, rose sapphire,and tourmaline. Scents for October are Apple blossom, cherry and strawberry. October is considered the time for reincarnation, inner cleansing, justice and balance and letting go of

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