
Odysseus And Gilgamesh Comparison Essay

Decent Essays

The Odyssey and The Epic of Gilgamesh alike are epic poems about epic heroes. Both of these poems have a several of similarities and differences. The two writings were written with similar goals. These works of art are about journeys and the obstacles faced during an epic heroes voyage. While both of these poems have similar drives within the text there are also several variations. Although there are several resemblances and variances in the text itself, more specifically, there are multiple similarities and differences within each of the heroes themselves. There are numerous ways in which these two epic heroes are similar; one of the ways being that they are both intelligent. Both Odysseus and Gilgamesh show actions of intelligence throughout the text. Odysseus portrays his intelligence when planning and leading his men through the Trojan War. Although Gilgamesh is portrayed as somebody who lacks intelligence within the text, it is told from the beginning that this epic hero is in fact very smart. The text expresses “Gilgamesh, who saw the wellspring, the foundation of the land. He knew the ways. Was wise in all things.” Gilgamesh and Odysseus stand as two epic heroes who show clear signs of intelligence, nonetheless in complete different ways. …show more content…

Both of these men stand as confident and conceded in themselves. Confident is not a terrible characteristic, especially in a leader. Though this is true, Gilgamesh is really disliked by many in his land of Uruk since he is full of himself. Odysseus is filled with pride and the entire purpose of his journey is to receive credit for his name, which will carry on for eternity. These two epic heroes are so self-confidant and conceded in themselves that they will organize anything in order to carry on their name and gain pride. Both Gilgamesh and Odysseus thrive for the credit and fame, therefore the epic heroes will be known for years to

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