After our encounter with the wretched Cyclops beast by the name of Polyphemus, in the land of the Cyclops, my crew and I were able to escape his wrath of being pleted by boulders larger than any mere mortal could ever imagine. I, overwhelmed with pride, felt that he and his people did deserve a declaration of my glories and the knowledge that who has defeated them was no mere man but Odysseus, conqueror of Troy, son of Laertes, legendary warrior of Ithaca.
My crewmates, however, did not seem to share the same feelings I had expressed. Some were accusing me of being a terrible captain, and a warrior who doesn’t deserve respect because of my inability to control my arrogance. I was shocked and disgusted with my crew and their comments towards
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It is the only way, even if it may put me into sorrow later on, but it was for a greater cause. A cause to return to my homeland safely and regain my right to the throne as king. I ordered to my men to bring out the many chests that were stored in my quarters on my ship this instance and that I have devised a plan to flee this place. The soldiers, strategically, pounced from boulder to boulder, using them as cover from the rocks Garlogos was levitating from the earth with his feet in the ground and throwing them with each sway of his three heads. They all soon arrived successfully with each chest to where I was. There, I proposed my idea, “ With these chests, filled with gold and riches, I shall sacrifice every last ounce to this beast and request for granting us a safe journey back home and let us leave this Island peacefully. I do not wish to be a burde to you all for my selfishness of hoarding everything for myself and not share anything with you. You are all truly entitled to receive the same treatment as I have. I understand that I may have been a great warrior in the battle of Troy, but to me, it would not be just to leave you all empty handed, for as you too have contributed significantly on our journey up until this point. This includes you Calemeos and I do deeply apologize for my actions on the ship, that does not represent who I really am. In fact, I apologize to all of you. I must know to control my self pride and to show that I have changed, I will prove it by giving away all these treasures for you, for us, for Ithaca.” The crew stood and stared at me. Some began to weep, others saluted me with honor. With that, I asked my soldiers to assist me in pushing the chests to the center of the beach and open them to reveal the gold to Garlogos. When opened, the gold and metals beamed all sorts of colors in the light, and that finally gained Garlogos’s attention. I announced, “Garlogos, might
Ulysses is a hero some say And built the trojan horse and won the troy war, now he must get back to his home island Ithaca. His most difficult opponent was the Cyclops Polyphemus. Polyphemus was the biggest, tallest and strongest Cyclops on the island. The Cyclops destroyed some rafts and he killed 2 men. Polyphemus was Poseidon's son so he could pray to him at anytime.
For the last eight or nine years we have been hearing about a disorder that is new. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that's triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event. Odysseus developed (PTSD) after coming back home, he developed (PTSD) by remembering and witnessing he’s comrades die.
Around the 1200 B.C., Odysseus was sailing the Mediterranean Sea for the purpose of reaching home. In his long narrative poem, The Odyssey, Homer conveys how Odysseus desperately wishes to go home to Ithaca. However, he faces brutal treatment and obstacles from several different antagonists, and more obstacles appear when he reaches home. Odysseus came across many external conflicts, which he dealt with intelligence, determination, and loyalty.
The Odyssey is a story from ancient Greek mythology that told of adventure, strange creatures, and a longing to return to their home of Ithaca. During the story the main character Odysseus faces many difficult trials put before him, and while completing them shows many important values. One of which was the running into one of Poseidon’s sons Polyphemus who was a Cyclops. In the episode of the Cyclops, Homer uses the monstrous nature of Polyphemus to contrast the heroic attributes of Odysseus; this idea of what it means to be civilized is expressed through this contrast.
The stories of mythology involve numerous tales about the Gods and their interactions with humans and creatures alike that led to the unforeseen creations. In the tales of the Earliest Heroes, the materials are taken from a number of sources that vary from Greek/Roman poets to the Odyssey itself, and are then woven together to create a more static tale. The classic tale of Odysseus and the Cyclops display some of the more prevalent roles in Greek mythology. An intriguing aspect is that the first part of the story told in the book goes back to the Odyssey, though a thousand years separate the beginning from the end. This demonstrates the degrees of the course of Greek literature. Evidently, the tale focuses on the craftiness and valor of Odysseus for being able to escape the Cyclops that he encounters on his way home from the Trojan War. His ability to do so pertains to not only his brute strength but also his clever insight and thinking.When none of the men that accompany Odysseus are able to conjure a plan to escape
The famous one-eyed giant of Greek mythology, Cyclops, first appeared in Homer’s Odyssey and became a recurring character in both classical literature and later European traditions.
In Book One," The Goddess Intervenes," the short story told by Muse, is mostly about why
Odysseus, the lone survivor of his crew, returned home to Ithaca after twenty years, only to see that is home is filled with suitors. Over the twenty years he was gone, he saw Polyphemus, the cyclops, The Sirens, Scylla, and the courageous whirlpool Charybdis. They all attempted to kill the heroic Odysseus but failed to. The author of the epic poem, The Odyssey, is credited to Homer. Homer wrote his epic somewhere in eighth century BC. Some archetypes used in Homer’s epic heroic, monsters, and hospitality. The first archetype we will discuss is the heroic archetype.
Odysseus’s escape from the Cyclops is one of great intelligence. A Cyclops is a giant one eyed monster. Homer said, “The booming voice and the very sight of the monster filled us with panic” (IX, 256). From the first moment Odysseus and his men set eyes on the Cyclops they know they are in trouble and will not be able to get out easily. The Cyclops, Polyphemus, eats two of Odysseus’ men from the start. As soon as this happens, Odysseus
As society advances, bountiful situations have occurred that could be examined in multiple point of views. There are countless dilemmas of all sorts of fields such as religion, biodiversity, mythology, and inequality. These certain readings focus on a more mythological creature called a cyclops. Jacob Jordaens defines these individuals appearance to be sophisticated and compassionate, with fragments of civility displayed through bits and pieces. Whereas Homer establishes an animal that is corrupted, foolish, with the craving for slaughter and barbarity. While the art piece “Odysseus in the Cave” exhibits the cyclops as civilized and humble, The Cyclops renders them to be savages with an inhuman attitude.
Odysseus and Buck from call of the wild are inexorable characters. Both endure great hardships in spite of overwhelming odds. “You are a hard man, Odysseus. Your force is greater, your limbs never wear out. You must be made all of iron” (12.279-285). This quote shows Eurylochus, one of Odysseus’ crew, tell Odysseus that he has withstood many feats and never fails. Buck in call of the wild was trained before he went to the north to be a sled dog, one aspect of his training was the installation of submissive behavior into the dog through force. “He was beaten (he knew that), but he was not broken” (1.40). Yet even though he has been trained to be submissive, his mind was still intact and he will still be seditious mentally. Both of these characters
Homer’s epic poem The Odyssey, translated by Robert Fitzgerald, is a tale about the epic hero Odysseus returning home and his conquering of the trials and tribulations that are thrown his way during his long journey. In his epic, Homer effectively employs various literary devices in order to argue that pure brute strength disadvantage can be overcome. In the passage about Odysseus’s encounter with Polyphemus, the Cyclops (pg. 155, lines 402-441), he demonstrates the Greek core beliefs in the gods’ power and that the mind prevails over the muscles. He advocates these beliefs by first painting a vivid picture of Polyphemus’s persona as a big threat through direct characterization, than by emphasizing the power of the gods that aided Odysseus through elevated speech, and finally by poking fun at the fact that Odysseus’s guile and wit led to Polyphemus’s ignominious downfall.
In Epic Poem “The Odyssey” Odysseus is the protagonist. Odysseus’ over-the-top ego caused him to lose his men and his son’s childhood, but taught him a valuable lesson about humility. The Odyssey, written by Homer, tells the story of Odysseus and how he faced misfortune in his attempts to return home after the Trojan War. Odysseus is not famous for his great strength or bravery, but for his ability to deceive and trick. To his friends, he was a brilliant strategist. To his enemies, he was a deceiver and a manipulator of the worst kind.
What is Ithaca? Why Ithaca plays an influential role in Odysseus Translated by Robert Fagles and how modern authors have defined Ithaca in their literary works. In order to answer all these questions we must dive deep down to find out the meaning of Ithaca. According to the book Odysseus translated by Robert Fagles , Ithaca is the hometown of the Odysseus and the love of returning to Ithaca keeps him alive and motivated throughout the journey. As we know that Odysseus was exiled from his hometown for long time and he was involved in a trojan war, which kept him away from his hometown for a long time. But when the trojan war was over he was ready to return back to his hometown. And he was willing to endure every obstacles in order to get back
My brother leaped at the array of newly released movies and we proceeded to watch the most recent Star Wars. I soon panicked as my brother’s patience became frustration. His evident boredom plagued us as activities to keep us both pre-occupied ran low. As if it couldn’t get worse, he caught a nasty cough coupled with a pounding headache. I had almost reached my breaking point when I knew surrendering would have consequences beyond my own comprehension. Being the quiet and introverted person that I am, to that point I had not met a decision that I wasn’t able to put off for tomorrow or the next day for that matter. I now experienced the stress my parents undertake to manage our family every day. My time at sea has forced me to view problems in a different light and with extra developmental years under my belt, this trip made up for the lost years of responsibility. Waking up floating on the Hudson River that Saturday morning was the answer to my prayers as I did not want to hear another word about the “Garden Cafe” or the overcrowded pool. It’s rather amazing that one could find himself and discover his true identity on a luxury cruise line, but I