
Oedipus Rex Rhetorical Analysis

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When a person is betrayed, the outcomes are usually misery and heartache. Betrayal can have many different forms and motives. A person can betray another because he or she is driven by jealousy, greed, impulse or fear. Humans do not only deceive other people but they also have the ability to mislead themselves. A person’s mind can become corroded which can lead to the distortion of one’s rational train of thought. Emotions can also take over a person’s sense of judgement which could lead to misfortune. In Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex, Laius’s foolish deception of himself displays the nature of betrayal. Having a fear of destiny can lead to one’s downfall. Many have tried to control their own destiny or have attempted to change what may …show more content…

“No human being possesses mantic skill./ I’ve brief but cogent evidence of that./ An oracle once came to Laius from ( let’s say) Apollo’s servants, not the god, declaring that whatever child was born to him and me would cause Laius’s death; but he was killed by strangers… Laius didn’t die the way he feared”. Lines 709- 722. This quote stated how Laius was prophesized to be murdered by his own blood, but at this moment Jocasta believed the prophecy was untrue. She thought the prophecy was false because the only son Laius had with her had been left to die as a infant. Unfortunately, Laius was so afraid of the prophecy that he had sent for a messenger to leave his son on a mountain to die rather than taking control and raising his son as his own. If Lauis had raised Oedipus, the prophecy would have not come true because the messenger would never have given the child to the shepherd. This …show more content…

Everyone has acquired selfishness, but some are more inclined to indulge in it than others. In the poem Oedipus Rex, Jocasta stated that “ The days [her] baby lived were scarcely three/ when Laius yoked his feet and had a man/ abandon him on pathless hills to die./ Apollo didn’t make his words come true,/ he didn’t make my son patricide, and Laius didn’t die the way he feared,...” Lines 716-721 Laius was so self involved and worried that he would be killed that he gave up the life of his own son. He thought that if he had the baby left to die that the prophecy would not come true. By being selfish, he gave up the life of his son and caused terror and turmoil on many people. His self centered nature set the prophecy in motion to come true and have him die at the hands of his son. If he had not left Oedipus out of fear for his own life, Jocasta never would have died. She would never have faced the terrible truth that her son was her husband. Finally, Laius caused Oedipus to become mentally unstable and a murderer. By leaving Oedipus on the mountainside to die, Laius also left Oedipus with a questioning mentality. Throughout the book, Oedipus is always questioning himself and fate. Who am I? Who killed the King? What should I do? Why did this happen to me? Laius made Oedipus question everything in his life, for Laius left him knowing nothing. When the oracle

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