
Oedipus The King

Decent Essays

Over the years, tragedy has undergone an evolution in order to fit in with the status quo and the demands of society. Aristotle created the perfect formula for the Greek tragedy which can be found in The Poetics. His formation of tragedy revolves around the use of plot, character, diction, lyrical poetry, and speculation (Aristotle). In the layout of Aristotle’s layout of tragedy, a tragic hero who undergoes a severe judgement error to lead to his/her downfall which is greater than deserved. This definition of a tragic hero can be seen in most tragedy which includes Greek, Shakespearean (Classical), and Modern tragedy. These three tragedies have different aspects, but in the end all have the same roots. With the help of Aristotle’s The Poetics, the evolution of tragedy and the tragic figure over the years has been apparent through the author’s use of peripeteia, anagnorisis, and hamartia. Aristotle’s The Poetics set the foundation for what today is known as tragedy. Mainly, The Poetics discusses the formation of tragedy through the use of plot, character, diction, lyrical poetry, and speculation. The plot of the work must have a concrete beginning, middle, and end along with logical details embedded …show more content…

The anagnorisis in this work occurs when Oedipus learns when he is adopted from the messenger. This news changes Oedipus from ignorance to knowledge and changes his fate as he did not avoid the prophecy which stated that he would sleep with mother and kill his father. The peripeteia in Oedipus Rex occurs when Oedipus realizes that he has not avoided the prophecy. This event displays there is a 180 degree flip in what Oedipus believed since he did not expect the prophecy to be fulfilled. Sophocles also displays hamartia in Oedipus through his impulsive judgements and short temper. These tragic flaws influenced his decisions which, in the end, allowed him to crash and

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