
Oedipus The King Research Paper

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Ancient Greece is a very unique and foreign place to us today but surprisingly the ancient Greeks liked theatrics as much as we do now. This love for the stage led to many great plays being written one of which was “Oedipus the King”. “Oedipus the King” written by Sophocles in 430 BC is a Greek tragedy that shows the tragic downfall of Oedipus the king of Thebes. In this play Oedipus finds out that the prophecy that he had fled from so long ago had come true as he married his mother and murdered his father. “Oedipus the King” is a brilliant allegory for man's unwinnable struggle against fate and the puzzling actions of the indifferent gods. To most Greek people the gods were flawed and quite human in that regard, but to Sophocles the gods …show more content…

This is shown by their provocation of many events within the story through their prophecies and simple requests. Apollo actually prompts the main story through his old prophetic tale of Oedipus and his request for the citizens of Thebes to snuff out Laius’s killer. Oedipus recalls what made him flee his home of Corinth on pages 12 and 13 when he says “But Phoebus sent me home again unhonored in what I came to learn, but he foretold other and desperate horrors to befall me, that I was fated to lie with my mother, and show to daylight an accursed breed which men would not endure, and I was doomed to be murdered of the father that begot me. When I heard this I fled”. This prophecy from Apollo had so much heft because fate in Sophocles eyes was the most important thing to humanity and was the drive for everything. Though the gods as peddlers of prophecy made them important enough in this universe the entire plot of the play that left Oedipus a blind hermit and Jocasta dead was started by a request from Apollo. Creon having just gone and seen the God came back and relayed his request on page 2 saying “the god commanded clearly: let someone punish with force this dead man’s murderers”. This was in reference to Laius and the demand was made to rid Thebes of its curse. While it may seem as though Apollo is the grand architect of Oedipus’s downfall this is simply not …show more content…

While Oedipus was recalling the prophecy that made him flee his home he also talked about murdering a man and his caravan at the same exact spot where Laius was killed. On page 13 Oedipus shaken by the questionable nature of Apollo’s prophecy recalls “as I journeyed I came to the place where, as you say, this king met with his death… And then I killed them all”. Even when trying to leave his fate Oedipus only filled the role faster showing that for Sophocles fate is a fundamental governing force of the universe that can’t be bargained with or fled from because as cruel as it may seem the story for everyone and everything has already been written and it cannot be edited. This same macabre philosophy towards fate is also expressed by the character Teiresias a slave with mystical prophetic visions. After Oedipus mocks Teiresias for being blind and foolish Teiresias replies with the fate of Oedipus at the end of the story on page 7 “blindness for sight and beggary for riches his exchange, he shall go journeying to a foreign country tapping his way before him with a stick”. Of course Oedipus doesn’t believe Teiresias but this happens exactly at the end of the play because the fates of everyone have already been set in stone and Teiresias can see the truth. In these attempts to flee from fate the only thing waiting for

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