
Oedipus The King: The Twelve Labors Of Hercules

Decent Essays

As a young man, Hercules was sent off to fight against the Minyans, a group of people who forced Thebes to pay tribute to them. Hercules defeated the Minyans and made his way back to Thebes, where the king gave him Princess Megara’s hand in marriage. Soon after their marriage, Hercules and Megara had three boys. Hera, on the other hand, still hated Hercules. As a result of this hatred, she put him in a state of uncontrollable madness. This then made Hercules unwillingly kill his wife and children. After the murder of his own family, he came to his senses. Realizing what he had done, Hercules sought punishment for his egregious actions. His immediate response was to kill himself, but before he could do so Theseus stepped in. He stretched out …show more content…

These tasks were considered to be impossible; as such the next many years of Hercules’ life would consist of many triumphs and many sufferings. The Twelve Labors of Hercules were: slaying the Nemean lion, killing the Lernaean Hydra, capture of the Arcadian stag, capture of the Erymanthian boar, cleaning of the Augean stables, slaying of the carnivorous Stymphalian birds, capture of the meat eating mares of Diomedes, stealing of the girdle of Hippolyta, killing the monster Geryon and the capture of his flocks, steal apples from the gardens of Hesperides, and the retrieval of Cerberus from the underworld. Though many of Hercules’ triumphs are spoken of, his most famous consist of his first two. His first task was to slay the Nemean lion, which could not be killed by any sort of weapon. Understanding this, Hercules choked the lion to death and used its corpse as a cloak. For his second labor, Hercules was sent to Lerna to slay the Hydra residing there. The Hydra was a snake-like monster with nine heads, one of which was immortal. This proved difficult for Hercules at first, due to the Hydra’s regenerating heads. To take care of this, Hercules seared each severed head with a brand. As for the immortal head, he buried it beneath a boulder. Many other adventures ensued after his twelve

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