
Of Mark Haddon's 'Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night'

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Multiperspective Truths Mark Haddon’s The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time reveals that the truth is subjective and fear of punishment dictates how it is expressed. Mrs. Forbes, a teacher at school, suggests that after Christopher’s mother died she had gone to heaven. Christopher argues that heaven does not exist, because it is physically impossible for people to travel there. He explains that people believe in heaven “because they don’t like the idea of dying … and they don’t like the idea that other people will move into their house and put their things into the rubbish” (32). Mrs. Forbes’ perception of existence after death is abstract and idealistic, whereas Christopher forms his theories based off of logic and reasoning, saying that …show more content…

Haddon suggests that the truth varies depending on perspective. Since the novel is written in Christopher’s point of view, readers can more thoroughly understand that Christopher claims those who believe in heaven only do so because they fear death. They associate death with a loss of importance, and since humans are selfish they use heaven as an excuse to extend their self-worth. Christopher’s ASD prevents him from building the same emotional connections and values on reputation as a neurotypical brain would. In an attempt to relate to others, he uses physical actions such as people “[putting others’] things into the rubbish” to describe death (32). His condition gives reason for his apathy and lack of fear towards death, which is how he can accept such blunt statements as the truth. A similar theme is conveyed later in the book, when after venturing on the streets to interrogate his neighbors on Wellington’s death, Christopher returns home and his father asks where he has been. He responds that “[he has] been out”, then clarifies that “this is called a white lie. A white lie is not a lie at all. It is where you tell the truth but you do not tell all of the truth. This means everything you

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