“Slim came directly to George and sat down beside him, sat very close to him. ‘Never you mind,’ said Slim. A guy got to sometimes,” Slim describes to George after he kills Lennie (Steinbeck 107). In Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, two men named George and Lennie travel across the country together. George is small and witty and acts as a parent figure for Lennie who is big and somewhat idiotic. Both of the men work on ranches, but usually end up getting fired because of Lennie’s actions. Lennie likes to pet soft objects and animals and knows no better whether or not he is hurting what he touches. This leads to many problems in which Lennie is put in danger of being killed or beaten because of his naivety. George decides that Lennie is not …show more content…
Millionaire Gigi Jordan’s son Jude suffered from autism yet he was still able to communicate to her that his father “had shoved feces in his mouth, stuck needles under his fingernails, and stabbed him in the hand repeatedly in addition to sexual abuse,” (Rosenberg). Gigi soon killed her son after hearing this information. She felt terrible for Jude after learning that his father and other people were beating him and making him suffer because of his disabilities. She then decided that he would be happier if he were dead rather than alive. This is the the same way George feels about killing Lennie. He wants to protect Lennie from the future beatings and tortures that the other ranchers will continue to haunt him with. If Gigi would have continued to let him live he could have had even worse actions taken on him besides eating feces and getting needles put in his nails. Jude would have been put through much more torture throughout his life and would have suffered to a point where he probably would not like the idea of living anymore. Gigi was doing her son a favor by stopping the agony he was going through now rather than letting him suffer for the rest of his life. Gigi and George just want to protect their loved ones from abuse as a result of their
Death, the one thing every person will eventually face, could be seen as an end or an entrance. What is your extent of a friendship? How far are you willing to go to help the person you care for? For many reasons, the majority of people think murder is immoral—especially if it was your own best friend. But sometimes we may have to go to the extreme, as long as we know it was the right thing to do from the heart because that’s how much you know you care. In the story Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, I strongly believe that George was right to kill Lennie.
John Steinback’s Of Mice and Men is a book that describes the chase of the American Dream. Although achieving the American Dream is a great desire for all, seldom does it actually come true. George and Lennie, the two main characters in the book, have a goal of pursuing their version of the American Dream, as do many other characters. However, due to relationships and other conflicts, that dream is not achieved.
According to www.dualdiagnosis.org, in the 1930’s, “Techniques that were used on the mentally ill included insulin-induced comas, lobotomies, malarial infections, and electroshock therapy.” The novel, Of Mice and Men, written by John Steinbeck, describes the story of two migrant workers named George and Lennie, and their adventure during the Great Depression. Lennie is a man who is challenged with mental retardation. During the Great Depression, this was not an acceptable thing in society, so George acts as his caretaker and has to cover for Lennie. Eventually, George and Lennie find themselves working on a ranch where they meet new people and find themselves in trouble. I think that George did the right thing by killing Lennie. If George would not have killed him, Lennie would have been taken to the mental hospital and treated badly, if Lennie was killed by anyone else, George would have had regrets, and Lennie was at risk of getting himself and George into more trouble.
In the first chapter of ‘Of Mice and Men’, George discovers that Lennie had been keeping dead mice in his pocket. Lennie insists on an unlikely story, that the mice were already dead when he found them. This shows the audience that although Lennie does not mean to kill the mice, it keeps recurring because he is completely unaware of his own strength. Later on in the story, Lennie kills one of Slim’s puppies. He was warned to be gentle and keep the pup with its mother but didn’t listen.
Power is usually measured through physical power and mental power. Several different kinds of power appear in the book, and Steinbeck shows clearly how each of them carries with it a heavy responsibility,Though not every character is able to measure up to this with success powers. By how the characters act and how they treat each other shows what powers they have.
The Story Of Mice and Men is about two buddies that go on to find work or any kind of income. The only problem is that lennie, one of the main characters, has a mental disability. Thankfully George, the other main character also lennie’s best friend, is around to help lennie. In the story more characters come into play including a nice old man named candy who has been working on the farm for many years. Like George candy has to take care of his old dog that he raised from a pup. Unfortunately one of Candy’s so called buddies took the dog out and shot him for the dogs own good. In the end George also loses his closest pal. Through the story George and candy have some similarities and
While mercy and murder do have some similarities there is one huge difference, mercy killing has consent, murder does not. Sometimes it is as clear as day if it is murder or mercy. One of these times was when a twenty nine year old “Brittany Maynard fulfilled her final wish… purposely ending her own life on her own schedule…” (Briggs). This is very different from what happens in Of Mice and Men By: John Steinbeck where George kills Lennie without his consent. In Of Mice and Men George and Lennie are best friends that go on the road with each other looking for jobs. They end up working at a ranch and made some friends and some enemies. Throughout this story it is shown that Lennie is mentally disabled and is obsessed with petting soft objects,
Of Mice and Men is a novel set on a ranch in the Salinas Valley in California during the Great Depression of the 1930s. The title of the book is a reference to Robert Burns's poem To a Mouse. (1759 - 96):
Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck could be considered a controversial book as to whether or not it should be taught in the classroom. Scarseth, a professor of English, argues that it gives great examples of things like theme, character, and symbolism. In his excerpt "A Teachable Good Book: Of Mice and Men" he talks about many examples on why it's a good book to read in class. Three of his points that are agreeable would be that the world they live in is quite limited, what Of Mice and Men is all about is friendship and love, and that the characters are significant, but yet still simple. These are all big part of the book and important parts of literature that should be discussed.
Of Mice And Men The novel ‘Of Mice and Men’ reveal life in the 1930’s. A time very diverse to ours. Steinback, the author of this novel wrote about various issues such as lifestyle of the travelling ranchmen, loneliness, friendship, the American dream, racism and sexism. The book is about two migrant labourers, George Milton and Lennie Small in California.
The story Of Mice and Men took place during the 1930’s. That time period was very different from today. Race and gender were very important characteristics that determined whether a person had the opportunity to make money. The 1930’s were also a time where people started questioning life and the American culture. Many people like John Steinbeck thought that life was very unfair and questioned whether if life was even worth living. In Of Mice and Men John Steinbeck demonstrates that mans dream is destined to be destroyed by a cruel reality.
Of Mice and Men was written during a period of racism. In the 1960's it was important for everyone to get along with eachother because not everyone was equal. George and Lennie showed a great part in friendship throught the whole book. At the ranch in Selinas mostly everyone showed friendship in some way. Friendship was a great factor when the book was published because of all the racism going on at the time.
The psychological approach views literature through the lens of psychology. There are multiple approaches to the psychological aspect of literature but the two most recognized are the Freudian and Jungian approach. The best approach to use when critically analyzing the novel Of Mice and Men, written by John Steinbeck, is the Jungian approach. Because the novel’s main theme is a struggle with the idea of “self”, using this approach allows the reader to understand the main character, its influences, and ultimately his actions.
Curley had caught up and George was in any mood to stop and look back
In the novella Of Mice And Men by John Steinbeck, the relationship between Lennie Small and George Milton is complex. Lennie and George are two companions who look for work and brave the hardships of the Dust Bowl and the Great Depression together. Although Lennie and George are both grown men, their relationship resembles more of a child and a single parent, or a boy and his dog. Lennie is portrayed as animalistic and childish through his behavior and Steinbeck’s comparisons. This reveals the crucial power dynamic in George and Lennie’s relationship.