
Of Mice And Men Persuasive Essay

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“Slim came directly to George and sat down beside him, sat very close to him. ‘Never you mind,’ said Slim. A guy got to sometimes,” Slim describes to George after he kills Lennie (Steinbeck 107). In Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, two men named George and Lennie travel across the country together. George is small and witty and acts as a parent figure for Lennie who is big and somewhat idiotic. Both of the men work on ranches, but usually end up getting fired because of Lennie’s actions. Lennie likes to pet soft objects and animals and knows no better whether or not he is hurting what he touches. This leads to many problems in which Lennie is put in danger of being killed or beaten because of his naivety. George decides that Lennie is not …show more content…

Millionaire Gigi Jordan’s son Jude suffered from autism yet he was still able to communicate to her that his father “had shoved feces in his mouth, stuck needles under his fingernails, and stabbed him in the hand repeatedly in addition to sexual abuse,” (Rosenberg). Gigi soon killed her son after hearing this information. She felt terrible for Jude after learning that his father and other people were beating him and making him suffer because of his disabilities. She then decided that he would be happier if he were dead rather than alive. This is the the same way George feels about killing Lennie. He wants to protect Lennie from the future beatings and tortures that the other ranchers will continue to haunt him with. If Gigi would have continued to let him live he could have had even worse actions taken on him besides eating feces and getting needles put in his nails. Jude would have been put through much more torture throughout his life and would have suffered to a point where he probably would not like the idea of living anymore. Gigi was doing her son a favor by stopping the agony he was going through now rather than letting him suffer for the rest of his life. Gigi and George just want to protect their loved ones from abuse as a result of their

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