Every year the children's ministry director at our church selects a Vacation Bible School (VBS) curriculum from the many choices that are offered. This year our church chose the Journey Off the Map curriculum which is produced by LifeWay. As always, children from our church and the community came together to hear the truth of God's Word, to play, fellowship, craft and worship. For some it was the first time they had heard about Jesus, for others vacation bible school solidifies what they already know to be true, but for all of who attended VBS stirs and excitement to know more of God. When VBS ends it's like stepping away from a super-charged pep rally for Jesus. So why not seize on the excitement and press deeper into a relationship with God? …show more content…
In what I believe to be a stroke of genius, B&H Kids has produced Devotions Off the Map. Genius (really)? Yes, because now that our children's hearts are focused on Jesus, while they are excited and receptive to know more of Him…NOW is the time for parents to carry that momentum into a full year of discovery! Devotions Off the Map consists of 52 devotions, scriptures, prayers, discussion questions, and activities aimed at building faith and courage. God has a plan every child (Jeremiah 29:11; Ephesians 2:10), with His help parents can prepare them for the journey ahead – this devotional can help.
Devotions Off the Map is divided into 5 sections:
Prepping for Your Journey - Establish a communication plan (aka prayer), study the map (bible), protecting yourself (armor of God)...
Following Your Guide - Jesus is our Guide. This sections focuses on His character and attributes.
Making Camp - This section focuses on relationships. Getting to know fellow travelers, how to build strong relationships, the importance of working together...
Detours and Roadblocks - In this world you will have trouble. This section addresses how to handle surprises, disappointments, and detours such as worry, fear, divorce, death, greed, pride,
Life is like an obstacle course, you run into multiple obstacles on the way to the finish line, and there's no telling how many hindrances you may encounter. Very few people can go their whole life without obstacles along the way, others can’t seem to get away from them, but with every obstacle comes a beneficial or deleterious concomitant.
"Welcome to the wilderness, Rolling Stones!" Rob, the JH Ranch camp director, said in his unique Australian accent with a slight southern draw added from living in Nashville for several years. "As y 'all will recall, your coaches can 't tell you how to get to your destination, or when you arrive. It 's up to your leader, secretary, and your navigator to get you there. This activity is meant to make your team and your relationship to the lord stronger. Don 't forget the steps in solving a problem: pray, analyze the information given, discuss the problem, listen to everyone in your group, and choose the best plan of action."
Everyone has different aspects of life that come with multiple obstacles. As many think they aren’t able to overcome and moving fourth, believing they will fall apart and behind everyone else. Most of mankind has experience some type of obstacles and we all have a wide arrangement on how to cope and overcome. The truth is, we only see challenges and obstacles when we take our eyes off the goal. Every goal has a challenges but once we overcome the world becomes bigger.
First,my church called “GOCC” had to take a four hour drive to St.Louis. Me and my family we're excited to sleep is a tent for the first time. We had a tent,two sleeping bags, and a cover. Are church stayed in a train of cars the whole destination. Some of the names of the people that came with my family we're Richard, Adaya,Dayana, Monica, Shawn, David, Al, Shelton, Oliva, Brandi, and Ty’isha.
N.T Wright writes Simply Jesus to help us understand Jesus through the cultural lens of that time. He divides his explanation into three sections: identifying what questions pertaining to Jesus are important to understanding Him, Going over what Jesus’ mission on Earth was, and giving examples and explanations of why all this matters.
Vacation Bible School is a program that the First Baptist Church of Carrizo Springs offers to young students within the community. The soul purpose of this program is to help students find The Lord through reading his word. Vacation Bible School wants to help students find hope with Christianity. This program is also a great way for students to create memories, and learn lessons that they will carry throughout the rest of their lives.
Even though I heard whispers of my call in my early twenties, I had disregarded any thoughts of seminary as passing notions or fleeting whims. I worked various positions prior to my medical career for the simple purpose of funding my education. However, one thing remained constant. Children. Even as a child myself, I was always volunteering for children’s activities within the church, from nursery attendant to VBS crafts, Sunday school teacher to Education Committee member. Jobs which did not consist of interaction with youth, left me craving a connection. Even as my medical career began, I found myself volunteering at the local YMCA as a soccer coach. Looking back at my gifts and passions, it finally became clear to me that God was calling me to youth
The prayerful approach to every activity and the metaphysical preparation for the same was one of the highlights I had for the week. Both the staff and the Campers came to every activity well prepared and this level of preparedness helped support whatever the staff and campers were doing. Some of the activities I went to include: Nature trail, Soccer, Football, Kayaking, Boating, Swimming, Marking Books, Burn dance, Hayride, Arts and Crafts, Morning and Evening assemblies, Wednesday Testimony meeting, Vespers, Sunday School, and Principia
Obstacles change our way of thought and affect our emotions. A person’s values change as well as their character and they develop an understanding on their situation. Through the hardships of any situation, there is some way or another a solution only in the presence of desire.
Lord willing, these students then become Checking-Things-Out students, desiring and attentive to spiritual conversations and experiences. In these relationships, it is imperative to dig deeper, to answer questions, and to expose students to the gospel through lifestyle or stories of real faith. This open and attentive nature leads to the gospel message falling on good soil and, prayerfully, results in belief and commitment to Jesus Christ.
Besides my experience in the National Honor Society, I also serve as a classroom leader in my church’s children’s ministry. My purpose as a classroom leader is to inspire and motivate young kindergarteners and first graders in pursuing a deeper spiritual relationship with God. I am there for the kids and their love for Christ; I wake up early each Sunday to make sure their spiritual needs are a priority. Working with little kids truly humbles me as a person, and it motivates me to put other’s needs before my own
My parents were always off put by my lack of a firm belief in God, but pleased by my eagerness to participate in daily family scripture study, Sunday church, Wednesday youth groups and family prayer. The three hour Sunday sessions could get a little dull, but overall I always enjoyed these activities. The stories were intriguing and thought-provoking. Instilled in them were various secular lessons like the dangers of pride exhibited in the downfall of the Jaredites or the importance of minimalism and charity: “If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor,” (Matthew 19:21). My peers and siblings would bear their monthly testimonies of the literal accuracy of the scriptures; I would bear my testimony on the importance of the themes and values ingrained in the texts.
As Christian educators, we are called to promote and support learning in those areas. True teaching is a sharing of realities, likening the teaching process and weaving connections between their teachings and understandings themselves and the world around them. If we do not make connections for the students to the world around them, many times these precious gifts graced upon them will be overlooked or passed by because the young minds may not be able to recognize them. Some areas of observation might be seen as open doors to see or perceive and understand something of God and His motion as reflected through the created world and the Bible. Other areas might be seen as open doors to respond, apply, express and practice in ways that are consistent with biblical values. When these areas are discovered and embraced, many times they can address the major developmental needs in the spiritual, intellectual, physical, social, and emotional realms of the student’s life. Identifying these areas is helping the students begin their walk with the Lord and their own calling.
“He accepts God’s limits and walks down the temple steps, and there is no miracle.” “He accepts God’s limits and walks back down to the desert and the cross”. As we emulate Jesus, we must learn to detect our shortcoming. The author provides six lenses for us to gaze through. We must look at our personality, look at
This course has had a great impact on my walk with Christ as well as my witness for Christ. I pastor a church and teach two classes and for me I thought that I was doing plenty. However this course has helped rekindle my passion for sharing Jesus Christ with people through personal evangelism. This paper will demonstrate what I have learned throughout this course.