
Off The Map

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Every year the children's ministry director at our church selects a Vacation Bible School (VBS) curriculum from the many choices that are offered. This year our church chose the Journey Off the Map curriculum which is produced by LifeWay. As always, children from our church and the community came together to hear the truth of God's Word, to play, fellowship, craft and worship. For some it was the first time they had heard about Jesus, for others vacation bible school solidifies what they already know to be true, but for all of who attended VBS stirs and excitement to know more of God. When VBS ends it's like stepping away from a super-charged pep rally for Jesus. So why not seize on the excitement and press deeper into a relationship with God? …show more content…

In what I believe to be a stroke of genius, B&H Kids has produced Devotions Off the Map. Genius (really)? Yes, because now that our children's hearts are focused on Jesus, while they are excited and receptive to know more of Him…NOW is the time for parents to carry that momentum into a full year of discovery! Devotions Off the Map consists of 52 devotions, scriptures, prayers, discussion questions, and activities aimed at building faith and courage. God has a plan every child (Jeremiah 29:11; Ephesians 2:10), with His help parents can prepare them for the journey ahead – this devotional can help.
Devotions Off the Map is divided into 5 sections:

Prepping for Your Journey - Establish a communication plan (aka prayer), study the map (bible), protecting yourself (armor of God)...

Following Your Guide - Jesus is our Guide. This sections focuses on His character and attributes.

Making Camp - This section focuses on relationships. Getting to know fellow travelers, how to build strong relationships, the importance of working together...

Detours and Roadblocks - In this world you will have trouble. This section addresses how to handle surprises, disappointments, and detours such as worry, fear, divorce, death, greed, pride,

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