
Offender Profiling In Criminal Psychology Essay

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The field of Investigative Psychology is a relatively new branch of psychology, pioneered by Dr. David Canter of the University of Liverpool in England, that is concerned with the application of the research, principles and paradigms of psychology to criminal investigation (Vettor, 2017). This branch of psychology was set independent of Forensic Psychology as Canter believed that there was a need for a, “fully-fledged scientific discipline that will generate processes and theories for contributing to police investigations that have their roots firmly within empirical, scientific psychology” (Canter and Youngs, 2005). The term ‘Investigative Psychology’, commonly associated with offender profiling seen in tv shows such as Criminal Minds or CSI, is truly an umbrella term that not only houses offender profiling but also includes investigative interviewing, the assessment of …show more content…

(2005). Beyond ‘Offender Profiling’: The Need for an Investigative Psychology. Handbook Of Psychology In Legal Contexts, 171-205.
Meaney, R. (2004). Commuters and Marauders: An Examination of the Spatial Behaviour of Serial Criminals. Journal Of Investigative Psychology And Offender Profiling, 1(2), 121-137.
Paulsen, D. (2006). Human versus machine: a comparison of the accuracy of geographic profiling methods. Journal Of Investigative Psychology And Offender Profiling, 3(2), 77-89.
Vettor, S. (2017). Comparative Case Analysis and Geographical Profiling. Lecture, University of Ontario Instiute of Technology.
Vettor, S. (2017). Introduction and What is Investigative Psychology. Lecture, University of Ontario Institute of Technology.
Woodhams, J., & Labuschagne, G. (2011). A Test of Case Linkage Principles with Solved and Unsolved Serial Rapes. Journal Of Police And Criminal Psychology, 27(1), 85-98.

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