The career I chose when I came to job corp and saw all the programs they had, was office assistant career and work in a office for my career goal. I chose this because every since I was very little, I always liked using the computer. Sometimes I am very quiet but I still like talking to people too and being a office assistant, I will get to use computers everyday and get to talk to people because I will be working in a office with lot of people coming in and out and I will be answering the telephone and taking messages.
You don’t have to necessary go to college to become a office assistant or get a job as a office assistant. With the training and certification I am getting at job corp, I will be able to get a job in my career field.. I know not a lot of who have jobs as office assistant but they did not go to school. Getting an education and getting certified is important to me because I want to make a lot of money. One of the websites I looked at talked about how you can go to college and get a one year certificate or a two year degree in office assistant. I want to go to college and do the two year degree. You can go on to a
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If it weren’t for office assistants, many offices could not operate. Some of the things they do are, answer the phone and forward calls; get the mail and deliver it to people in the office; do research and look up information on the internet, send out emails, copy and fax information, keep up with the office supplies and make orders for office supplies, make sure all the computers and office equipment are working or call someone to fix them, type letters and memos, types office reports and other things your boss would give you. My teacher at job corp has taught me a lot of these skills that I will need when I go to work as a office assistant. Since I have my IC3 certification that will show employers that I have good computer and technology
The career I am pursuing is dental hygiene. Dental hygienists clean patient’s teeth, examine the mouth for diseases like gingivitis. My mom works for a pediatric dentist and I spend a lot of time at her work. That’s what made me choose this career. I love the atmosphere and how friendly everyone is.
Paralegal assistant help assist lawyers, attorneys, and any other law firms. They do a mixture of duties which includes maintaining files, legal research, and manage documents. Paralegals work in a diversity of legal practice which can range from litigation and trial practice to tax, and real estate transactions,and estate planning. The employment of paralegal assistant is expected to grow from 2014 to 2024. Being a paralegal assistant is a good career because of career path, work will be diversified, and benefits.
The career I have chosen is an Automotive Technician. An automotive technician is a person that is certified to work on vehicles electrically and mechanically. I chose this career because i enjoy working on vehicles and making other people's
The career I have chosen is Dental Hygiene. I am very interested in this career because I have the opportunity to teach people and educate them about the health of their mouth. Some of the things that dental hygienists do include taking x-rays, cleaning patients teeth, educating patients on the benefits of good oral hygiene, and treating periodontal diseases of the mouth. The importance of a healthy mouth truly affects the entire body. Plus everyone would enjoy a pretty smile and a good set of straight teeth.
NPI entails complete application that takes online by use of a known website to obtain the relevant information. Unlike the TID, NPI also enables the medical officer to be able to identify some facts or information that he or she seeks to use. Such cases are the case of taxation and also when undertaking the process of registering the patients in the hospitals. An example is the IRS system that also works to ensure that it functions properly (Koneru, 2008).
My ideal career is in accounting. I have determined that this field is best suited for me through career assessment tests, learning styles assessments and by actually working in this field for several years. I have been interested in accounting since taking my first accounting class in high school. It was then that I found that not only was I good at bookkeeping but also enjoyed it.
How I came to choose which career path better suites me is through figuring out which of the daily tasks and environments I would like to pursue as a career. Each job is particularly
The job outlook for a medical assistant is that employment for medical assistants is projected to increase 31% by 2020. The baby-boom, the increase of people getting sick, the major medical problems that people are developing there is going to be more clinics opening, group practices, etc. The result is that more medical assistants are going to be needed (
Human Services is a career that serves and helps the people from the community in time of crisis. Human Services helpers are designed to help people through crisis or chronic situations where the person feels they need help and guidance to move forward with their life and rediscover their personal power. People sometimes need help with food or housing the loss of job, and getting out of dangerous situation for example domestic violence, drug abuse. Some people also face an internal challenge such as depression, a physical or mental disability or a health crisis. As a human services helper we are there to assist people meet their needs and get them the services and support that they need.
I had a hard time finding a career. All the careers I came across did not interest me at all. Until a friend came up with the idea of the career of athletic training. That is when I started my research and my interest grew greater.
An Administrative Assistant that may work in an educative environment (school) will basically deal with handling special administrative tasks, student and parent responsibilities or duties, as well as dealing with computerized tasks.
Administrative assistants must be able to handle challenging situations and many details at once. The assistants are what keeps an office running while supporting the efforts of a business owner executive, manager, or professional group. Their main responsibility is to keep their place of employment running smoothly, thus all of their duties relate back to the operational proceedings of an office. These duties may include scheduling meetings, answering phones, managing databases, disseminating information (through email and internal memos), creating spreadsheets, generating reports, ordering equipment, and working with clients or customers. People who demonstrate these skills in this field can advance to higher
I would actually have to say my career is less of one that I picked out and more of one that has evolved. I have changed careers five times, due to no choice of my own but rather the economy. I had quit my job, and been a stay at home mom for about six years, and returning to work at Montessori School, where I could get free tuition in exchange for working a half day. It felt good, to see the kids excited about learning. I actually did not think much about the job being a career choice, as it would never pay the bills. I had been in printing, and did some freelance work from home, and just figured I would return down that career path. I had friend though who encouraged me to come to work with her, at Delta Airlines when our daughter stated school. For the next six weeks, I was in class and learning their computer ticketing systems. It was challenging and exciting for me, as I had not needed to study for many years. I enjoyed the feeling of accomplishment, and felt the need to do well and prove that I can learn it all, so that meant I actually had to study. Every week between test scores, and attendance there were a few less, but I was one that survived, and within two years I was promoted to Passenger Service Agent, coordinating the boarding of aircrafts at three gates. I had to opportunity to work with a lot of the new hires, as they came out of class and assisted them with the transition from classroom knowledge to the real world. I understood their
The career that I have chosen is an event planner at hotels because I think that this job is good for me. Even though the responsibilities, requirements, paying and benefits may be very hard work, but can also be fun if the person has the right skills for this kind of job. First, I need the right education, experiences, and skills for me to be able to work as a coordinator. Then I would need to find a location as to where I would like to work and will the environment will be good for success. Lastly, if this job does not work out for me, then I will go to another career wouold be classroom aid.
The career I have chosen to pursue is Industrial Electronics Technician. The reason I have chosen this first of all is due to me loving to fix things and work on electronics. I like to know how they work and also what makes them work. The thought of it just fascinate me; I love being able to learn new things and being in this field just helps that. This field teaches about wiring up machines or computer and fixing them. We also test to see if they are functioning properly. An Industrial Electronic Technician often sometimes works in factories or other settings, where they look after and fix manufacturing equipment by doing general maintenance, inspections, and general repairs.