
Officer Application Essay Examples

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I have the passion and determination to take charge and lead, a position others often brush aside to due its demanding nature and the responsibilities that come with the position. I see leadership as an opportunity to flush out my character and push myself beyond my capabilities as a distinct individual unfaltering in the face of pressure. Joining the Navy as an officer will open up a new path in a career known for prosperity and development. The role of an officer presents a challenge, one that I will strive to overcome and succeed in, no matter the obstacle lays in my path. The skills and mindset that I have acquired and polished over the course of my lifetime have prepared me for any task that I undertake. I have always been drawn to adventure, seeking a new path instead of choosing one of the majority. A life at sea and transversing across the ocean to arrive at a new destination is an extremely appealing phenomenon. Experiencing a change in an environment presents a new set of challenges and overcoming them opens the door to new opportunities that can be utilized in other …show more content…

Furthermore, I am responsible and determined as evident by my university transcript where I took 15 credit hours a semester, even though I had overloaded my course schedule I still made the Dean's List for that semester as well as others in subsequent semester. I also felt a strong sense of duty to help my fellow peers in their subject matters by holding study sessions and sharing notes, I went as far as sacrificing my own free time to help my friends out on the weekends. I had done these task simply out of character, I am a selfless person who wants aid others in pursuit of their goals. I did not seek any form of reward from my friends but simply wished for their success in their

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