On 10/11/17 I downloaded the data from Taser X26P serial #X130046DF that was utilized by Officer Demko in this incident. The download was performed utilizing an X26P dataport download kit and Evidence Sync. The download showed that Demko armed his weapon on 10/4 at 13:41:12. He pulled the trigger at 13:41:14 and the device was activated for 5 seconds. There were no further activations and the device was placed in safe mode at 13:42:56. The printout from the download has been placed in the case
Mehserle used his gun instead of his TASER on accident. There could be many reasons as to why he thought he pulled out his TASER instead of his gun. One reason is because there are days when officers change their holsters and the items that are in their holsters. One day the TASER could be on one side and the next day it could be on the other
during the stop? This type of action was wrong to create a traffic stop which is known
A 911 dispatcher contacted Officer Mattox about a so called domestic dispute. Mattox arrived and heard another officer claiming that shots have been fired. However, it was the Fourth of July. With that being said, can you verify that the sound made was not an echo of a bottle rocket? You also stated “ [Mattox] was attacked by [Roberts]” conversely this is not what is shown on the body camera video. According to the footage, he busted through Mr. Roberts door and proceeded to attack him. It appeared that Mr. Roberts was attempting to lie on the floor, but before he could even get on his knees, Mattox
Reaction Officer P. Peteke was responding to an alarm activation at a commercial property. When the officer arrived at the property, the client informed the officer that two male had just stolen her purse and have run away. The officer proceeded to drive towards the direction which the suspect fled, He then parked the ADT response vehicle on the side and approached the suspect. The suspect then tried to disarm him the company by cycling his firearm and shot the reaction officer on his left arm. The officer withdrew the company firearm and pointed at the suspect ordering him to drop his firearm, which the suspect did what was instructed. The officer sustained a gun shot wound on his left hand
In late 2015, Officer Brookins made an arrest of a known drug user/distributor. After arresting her, Brookins found a clipping from an Aztec robbery where the suspect's photo had been captured by a camera. Brookins felt the person in the robbery clipping could be her arrestee or an associate and she contacted the responsible LE in Aztec. They came down and are following up on her lead. This shows good police work and she used her instinct to follow up on a good lead.
took steps back and fired taser darts. The next part to occur was recorded by a bystander. The
Step 10: The CoP executive sponsor and sponsor share the vision for the LO 201 deliverables
Everything stated after Mr. Debose was stop by Officer Rey Tensing. Mr. Debose was stopped because of a missing license plate; after Officer asked Mr. Debose for his driver’s license but Mr. Debose did not complied with Officer Tensing, The officer asked again for his driver’s license that’s when Mr. Debose took his right hand and true his vehicle on that’s when Officer Tensing put his left hand in the string wheel but Mr. Debose stepped on the gas and moved the car a couple of feet, Officer Tensing lost his balances that’s when he told Mr. Debose to stop the vehicle but he did not do that. Officer had no other option but to shoot him, the car kept moving and Office Tensing was drag for a couple of feet. Finally the car stopped and hit a pole about 25 feet away from the officer. This is the basic background of the cases and you may think that officer Tension may have shot Mr. Debose for no good reason but after seen the evidence that is not the
Laura, Your assessment of the Moskalenko case brings out an overlooked point, “that her husband worked with chemicals such as Mercury.” The article states that her husband, “was a chemist and understood the pellets to be out of the ordinary.” Your analysis has led to the conclusion that he was indeed familiar with chemicals such as mercury. This is possibly an assumption, that in his employment he was exposed to mercury and thereby transferred the chemical to the car. Your post also claims, “insufficient evidence to prove” Russian involvement. Intelligence analysis is not a product of proof as required by law enforcement. However, intelligence that provides certainty of fact may not require analysis.
On the contra, just watching the video without sound, it appears to me that the police officer is struggling with a male subject on the ground, it is only after the use of a touch taser that the officer is able to subdue this young man. I then played the video again, this time with the audio, narrated by what appears to be the suspect’s friend, the videographer is obviously concern about his friend and voices his consternation with the officers actions. However, the only dilemma that I see from this video, does the officer report this incident
One current event that I see very often in the newspaper is the case about Nikko Jenkins. Jenkins was deemed mentally incompetent for sentencing and the decision was made because of the seriousness of his crimes that he would housed in the prison instead of the state’s psychiatric hospital. This hospital does not have proper security to ensure that he couldn’t escape. He could get psychiatric treatment in prison.
Upon arrival, Officer Wheeler activated his (BWC1) body worn camera which was later uploaded to evidence.com. As our patrol vehicle pulled up to St. Luke’s emergency room entrance, I viewed a male later identified as (RV1) Devinelle Lavaughn Broussard with a cellphone in his hand attempting to prevent a female, later identified as (B1) Eleasia Ashanti Fraise, from throwing a (EVD1) red brick. I next saw Fraise throw the brick at a parked (D1) silver BMW, located along the south side walk. The brick fell to the ground and Fraise went to picked it back up. Fraise picked the brick up and moved in the direction of our patrol vehicle with the brick at shoulder height. I parked the patrol vehicle and immediately got out drawing my firearm to a low ready. Officer Broussard stepped out of the vehicle and drew firearm pointing it at Fraise (View Officer Wheeler’s statement for further details). Officer Wheeler and I gave commands to Fraise to drop the brick. Fraise immediately complied and dropped the brick. I holstered my firearm
Many women do not like being controlled. In the past, women were oppressed because they were not allowed to work and control aspects of their lifestyle, such as working themselves, rather they were forced to marry and depend on their spouses. William Shakespeare chose to present this concept through Katherina’s character in the play The Taming of The Shrew. Throughout the play, Katherina is seems to be untamable due to the manner in which she is first introduced, her attitude changes too abruptly for it to be convincing, and that she is either putting on an act or she 's just scared.
I am an immigrant named Miguel. I wanted to start a new life in a different country, so I tried to become a citizen in the U.S. I am 28 and I have a bachelor's degree for a doctor and I planned to come to find a job as a doctor. I came from Australia and gained legal citizenship in the U.S. I will take you through the steps of gaining legal citizenship.
While growing up, I saw horses, mud pies, and dirty nails. I heard laughter, but also sadness and yelling. I held more than my mom and dad’s hand. I held all the small amphibians that I searched so hard for, the dirt that I played cars in, and I held bugs with love. Growing up was much more than making friends, or being popular. It was never about when or how I would get someone to find enough spark in me, to call me their person. Friendship, was the bond I had with every new horse my mom would buy. It was the amount of trust I had with animals, even after they hurt or scared me.