
Officer Moulton Case Study

Decent Essays

It is my desire to provide this letter of recommendation for Officer Patrick Oulton as he seeks employment as the Acting Training/Standards Officer. As Officer Oulton’s immediate supervisor at at YKCC, I’ve worked closely with him over the past two years, Training, Coaching, Mentoring, and Guiding his Institutional Training. Officer Oulton has demonstrated excellent communication skills and consistently exceeds expected standards. On a personal level, he’s charismatic and well-spoken, both qualities that have served him well in his role as a Floor and Booking Officer; Correctional Professional. Officer Oulton is seeking employment to expand his knowledge of DOC. While I would be giving up an Outstanding Officer if he would be selected for this position, I must say, such a valuable employee will be a greater asset to the facility in this position than on a shift. Officer Oulton would truly be a positive member of the team in as Acting Training/Standards Officer . Allow me to point out three examples of Officer Oulton’s strengths. First, Officer Oulton brought great value to YKCC by consistently exceeding security requirements and being a positive role model to his peers. Officer Oulton has an understanding of climate and culture of the facility and has identified many security concerns which have been credited for …show more content…

He understands and knows our ACOMS system as well as Microsoft Word and Excel. His typing ability is better than 35 words per minute. Using his communication skills to bolster the organizational image, he is eager to explain concepts of each computer program so others may clearly make sense of the process needed to complete a task. During an early review, I observed him discuss, in detail, with a civilian visitor the process our software accounts for inmate funds; thus assuring the visitors confidence in the process and that the inmate would be credited the funds

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