
Oikonomia In The Catholic Church

Decent Essays

Unfortunately divorce has become a prevalent problem in the western world and Catholic Christians have not been immune to the issue. A survey conducted by the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate, notes that, “Twenty-three percent of adult Catholics have gone through a divorce”, and of that percentage approximately, “Eleven percent of adult Catholics have divorced and are currently either remarried, living with a partner, or widowed” (Catholic Culture). Thus, almost one out of every four Catholics has been divorced and of that number ten percent have remarried or live “in sin”. This is problematic for those Catholics because they are no longer allowed to participate sacramentally in the Church. More to the point, participating in the activities that truly identify themselves as Catholic, partaking in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Sacrament of the Eucharist, are no longer available to divorced Catholics who are living with another and remarried Catholics who did not avail themselves of an annulment. Is there a solution, that is scripturally and theologically grounded, that may offer divorced and remarried Catholics an opportunity to return to the fold of the Catholic Church? The Orthodox Church …show more content…

The Orthodox Church still recognizes the sinfulness behind divorce and remarriage. As noted by Bux, “Only the first marriage is celebrated as a true sacrament” (Chiesa). The marriage party still must petition the church authorities for the right to remarry. As opposed to the Catholic belief that the marriage must be civilly ended (divorce) before the annulment process can begin, in the Orthodox faith, all that is needed is the granting of the divorce by church authorities. From there, permission to remarry may be

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