
Okapi Research Paper

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The okapi (Okapia johnstoni), is a giraffid artiodactyl animal naturally locate in the upper east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Central Africa. Okapis live alone in addition, hide away in tropical rain forests. Okapi have the beautiful black and white Zebra strips and the long neck of a Giraffe making him an exclusive creature Their Gestation range from 14 to 16 months and they live 20 to 30 years. They are strongly differentiating, zebra like markings separate the layout of the okapi's shape, making a practically camouflage in the light and shade of the woods understory. First discovered in the Congo’s rain forest the Okapis were imported at first in San Diego than South Africa and Japan to extend his existence in the world. This marvelous creature is two animals in one. The okapi (Okapia johnstoni) profile An okapi (Okapia johnstoni) is an uncommon timberland giraffe discovered in the Democratic Republic of Congo's National Park of Virunga, regardless of more than 10 years of common war and expanded poaching. From the mid-1900s, the okapi stayed unseen in the reserve for more than five decade. Two years prior findings this …show more content…

In spite of its Deer-like appearance the Okapi is really one of the final precursors of the Giraffe, which is the tallest creature on Earth. Alongside having a generally long neck contrasted with its body measure, the most striking component of the Okapi is the flat stripes that are especially obvious on their behinds and give this creature a just about Zebra-like appearance. The Okapi is extremely modest and shrouded, to such an extent truth be told that they were not perceived as a particular animal group by western science until the earth twentieth century. In spite of the fact that they are at times seen by individuals, the Okapi is not a jeopardized species as they are thought to be genuinely regular in their remote

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