The okapi (Okapia johnstoni), is a giraffid artiodactyl animal naturally locate in the upper east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Central Africa. Okapis live alone in addition, hide away in tropical rain forests. Okapi have the beautiful black and white Zebra strips and the long neck of a Giraffe making him an exclusive creature Their Gestation range from 14 to 16 months and they live 20 to 30 years. They are strongly differentiating, zebra like markings separate the layout of the okapi's shape, making a practically camouflage in the light and shade of the woods understory. First discovered in the Congo’s rain forest the Okapis were imported at first in San Diego than South Africa and Japan to extend his existence in the world. This marvelous creature is two animals in one. The okapi (Okapia johnstoni) profile An okapi (Okapia johnstoni) is an uncommon timberland giraffe discovered in the Democratic Republic of Congo's National Park of Virunga, regardless of more than 10 years of common war and expanded poaching. From the mid-1900s, the okapi stayed unseen in the reserve for more than five decade. Two years prior findings this …show more content…
In spite of its Deer-like appearance the Okapi is really one of the final precursors of the Giraffe, which is the tallest creature on Earth. Alongside having a generally long neck contrasted with its body measure, the most striking component of the Okapi is the flat stripes that are especially obvious on their behinds and give this creature a just about Zebra-like appearance. The Okapi is extremely modest and shrouded, to such an extent truth be told that they were not perceived as a particular animal group by western science until the earth twentieth century. In spite of the fact that they are at times seen by individuals, the Okapi is not a jeopardized species as they are thought to be genuinely regular in their remote
A few weeks ago, I spent a lovely Monday afternoon observing two different primates at the Santa Ana Zoo. I got to the zoo around two in the afternoon, and to my surprise, the zoo was decently crowded. The Santa Ana Zoo is smaller in comparison to other zoos like the Los Angeles Zoo, but still had a decent amount of animals there. Covering a small 20 acres of land, I came across two primates that fit perfectly for the purposes of this course project. I chose to observe an endangered ape, the white-handed gibbon, and an endangered new world monkey, the golden-headed lion tamarin.
This project pertains to the pygathrix cinerea or which it is more commonly know as the grey- shanked douc Monkey . It falls under the animalia kingdom, the chordata phylum, the mammalia class, the primates order, and the cercopithecidae family, the pygathrix genus,and the pygathrix nemaues species ( ). The body, and the majority of the arms, and lower legs are light grey with a paler underside, and their shoulders, upper legs, and part of their buttocks are marked with white patches. Their feet and hands are black while having the bare skin on their face being yellowish brown, and the areas around the mouth and chin which is white. Long white fur borders the sides of their face with a slanting eye, and their throats are white with an orange collar encircled
There are many wild animals in the world are in danger. The mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) are one of the most threatened species in the world that inherited from monkeys (Macaca Fascicularis) and apes (Hominoidea), which was found in Africa and Arabia about 34-24 millions years ago. Mountain gorillas are Animalia, which phylum is Chordata and class of Mammalia. The mountain gorilla is a subspecies of eastern gorilla, which live in two regions in Africa. There are three countries where mountain gorillas live. They are Uganda, Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo. According to National geographic, there are about 700 mountain gorillas remaining in the earth and half of them live in a Virunga mountains in central Africa. In average, they live about 35 years; the standing height of a mountain gorilla is between 4-6 feet. They’re weight usually between 300-485 pounds and they are bit larger than other type of gorillas. Mountain gorilla usually live in a group and head of their group is called ‘silverback’ that is an adult male who grow a patch of silver hair on their back and hips. However, when dominant silverback die, the whole group face hard time to regroup themselves. Female gorilla usually becomes sexually mature before male gorilla. At the age of 7-8 female gorillas become sexually active, however they started to breed few years later. On the other hand, male gorilla starts
This paper will discuss primate morphology for the Lemur catta, also known as the ring tailed lemur, what characterizes them as primates, how they react in their environment, and their social and adaptive behaviors in that environment. The Lemur catta and it is only found in the island of Madagascar, as well as off the coast of southeast Africa. In Madagascar, they reside in the southeastern portion anywhere from sea level, up to 8530 feet high. Their environment consists mainly of tropical forested area in the proximity of nine forests: Andohahela, Andringitra, Ankilitelo, Berenty, Beza Mahafaly, Isalo, Tsimanampetsotsa, Tsirave, and Zombitse (Godfrey et al. 1998). According to the National Primate Research Center (, they also have a variety of habitats for example rainforests, spiny bush forests, subalpine, deciduous, and gallery. However, a lot of their habitat has been affected by constant human contact; agricultural clearing, deforestation, and burning to produce charcoal. The Lemur catta need to be able to hide in the forest and they are not very good at adapting to new environments so they depend a lot on the forested areas. The southwest part of Madagascar is very prone to droughts and they can have serious effects on the habitats of ring-tailed lemurs and other mammals. I will discuss what makes the Lemur catta a primate and the primate characteristics that they possess. Then, I will express the specialized, physical characteristics that they
During my research of Orangutans and Mandrills I observed them in captivity at the San Diego Zoo. My observations included a 20 minute observation of each primate as it cohabitated with other Primates and with other members of its own species. My findings will support the research of Orangutans and Mandrills through firsthand observations.
Otzi was found in September 1991 and two hikers named Helmut Erika Simon found the body. The body as Helmut and Erika Simon found it at a glacier's edge and another “River of Ice” Nearby. The scientist said that Otzi was shot by an arrow twice and he was still walking evening he got shot twice, he was losing so much blood that keeped on going where it was super cold and he only lasted for eight hours he fell on the snow and died. Who was Otzi he was olive about 5,300 years ago. He was only forty years old. Otzi was short by today’s standards his skelton measures 5’3”. On his body were marks that archaeologists believe were tattos.He was dressed in animal skins. He’s last day walking was on a spring day. he stuffed his leather shoes with grass
The Gorilla beringei beringei or mountain gorilla, was first discovered on October 17th 1902, by a German officer named Captain Robert von Beringe (Berggorilla and Direkthilfe, 2002). Mountain gorillas play a large role in it’s particular ecosystem through consumption the gorillas control and maintain vegetation that is vital for a healthy environment not only for the primate but also other species that live in the environment as well. Since the discovery of the mountain gorilla much fascination has been drawn toward the species. However, the gentle creature’s population has had a sharp decline from Rwanda’s belief in sumu, poaching, human disease, and unregulated tourism. In efforts to revive the species population from extinction, persistent activism through worldly foundations are helping protect the mountain gorilla species.
putting animals in a habitat that looks like the land they originally came from was hard. But it was an important step if they want to endangered species.They made the habitats look like africa by using trees to separate territory like the wild animals would do in africa.
Leopards are the only natural predator of adult okapi, but the African golden cat will take calves. The biggest threat to the okapi is habitat destruction as humans clear the rain forest for timber and agriculture. Another threat is illegal hunting for okapi for their skins and their meat, which is considered a delicacy in some quarters.
Unfortunately, because of how young Olaudah was captured there is not much information on his childhood all we know is that Olaudah was born in the Eboe province in the area that is known as southern Nigeria Africa. He was the youngest out of all his seven brothers and sisters who belonged to the lgbo tribe. One day at the age of eleven while everyone else went out to do their day’s work. Two men and a women climbed over their fence and seized him and his younger sister. The kidnapper’s bound their hands and stopped their mouths, they then ran to the nearest wood and carried them until night came when they reached a small house were they stopped to revive themselves and spend the night but Olaudah and his younger sister were not given any
We use words every day for various reasons: to form our opinions, to express our emotions, to defend our views. In The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, words play a major role in the lives of the characters. Some of these words are good, but some are evil; therefore, Liesel Meminger, the main character, must distinguish between them to discover her own words. Liesel and those around her must learn to use these words to fight against those in which already entangle them- those that weave the web of propaganda. Throughout the book, readers follow Liesel’s journey, and are introduced to the theft of, need for, and use of words.
I decided to look at the sexual behavior of bonobos because they are known for their frequent sexual behavior. Though they are not one of the types of great apes mentioned in the book, a bonobo is nonetheless a great ape that belongs in the same genus as the common chimpanzee. Furuichi et al. observed bonobos in their naturalistic habitat in Wamba, Democratic Republic
The essay talks about how empathy has been decreasing in the world. It gives facts about research made on empathy. Like how we can feel the pain of what others are going through. It also questions why people have more empathy on some misfortunes than on others. How other’s suffering touch our hearts at first, but when knowing the details and being asked for help, our reaction changes, making it less empathetic. However, we should increase empathy for the ones who haven’t suffered yet, that way we could decrease violence. The overall idea is that we should encourage empathy not only with out close relationships but with “humanity as a whole.”
Since summer is right around the corner, you might be thinking about planning your annual vacation. With so many options for you to make, it is not a difficult choice for you to pick a suitable destination where you can relax on beaches and unwind. Planning a vacation does not have to be a nuisance if you already have the perfect location in mind that caters to all your needs. Whether you need to visit beautiful beaches or staying at a beautiful inn that offers modern amenities with a distinctive setting, you will have a unique experience.
Kübler-Ross came up with idea that people pass through different stages after they find out that they are dying, but this idea has been debunked. The stages include Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. According to Kübler-Ross everyone who is the progress of dying goes through these stages, but according to some research not all people go through these stages or if they do they go through them in reverse (Lilienfeld, Lynn, Ruscio, & Beyerstein, 2009). Kübler-Ross’s stages are so popular because they give people a sense of predictability over their deaths (Lilienfeld, Lynn, Ruscio, & Beyerstein, 2009).