
Okonkwo And Nwoye Quotes

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William Zhang Things Fall Apart Section One – Summary Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart narrates about Okonkwo’s life: starting from his background, highlighting his relationships with others, going into his exile, telling about his reaction to Christian influence on his culture, and finally ending with his death. After Okonkwo kills Ikemefuna, Nwoye, Okonkwo’s first son, converts to Christianity. Okonkwo hangs himself when he realizes that the previous warlike culture had fallen apart in the presence of Christian culture. Section Two – Characters/Quotes Okonkwo – “‘Do what you are told, woman,’ Okonkwo thundered, and stammered. ‘When did you become one of the ndichie of Umuofia?’” (14). Okonkwo’s misogynistic attitude and angry nature is shown when he yells at his wife. His stammering, however, also symbolizes his insecurities. …show more content…

Nwoye’s resentment of his father stems from multiple issues, but Nwoye’s conversion to Christianity was symbolically his separation from his father. Okonkwo was also the embodiment of their Ibo culture, which Nwoye found morally questionable after the deaths of the twins and Ikemefuna. Ezinma – “‘You have not eaten for two days,’ said his daughter Ezinma when she brought food to him. ‘So you must finish this’” (63). Ezinma and her father, Okonkwo, have a very close relationship. Multiple times throughout the book, Okonkwo wishes that Ezinma was a boy because she has “masculine” traits such as being responsible and mature. Section Three –

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