
Old Major In George Orwell's Animal Farm

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Old Major is one of the most influential animals in Animal Farm. He was the philosopher of the animal rebellion and inspired the animals to act on their wish for freedom and equality. Likewise, Marx essentially did the same thing with socialism and believed that humans deserved equality. With the knowledge that Orwell wrote Animal Farm as a satire, many are able to see the similarities between Old Major and Karl Marx. One of the many similarities that Old Major shares with Marx is they both were thought to be influential philosophers in politics. In Animal Farm, Old Major is a respected figure; all of the animals listen to him and respect his ideas. Like Old Major, Marx was well respected and many thought him to be the most influential socialist thinker (Kreis, 2008). As well as Marx, Old Major’s ideas about what life should be like for the animals, was widely accepted amongst the other animals in the book. Additionally, Marx believed that …show more content…

Marx is a very important person when it comes to socialism and communism. Old Major, however, is disregarded after he dies. Many of his ideas does not stick with the pigs after they take rule over the farm. Whereas, Marx’s ideas gained major acceptance after he passed (Kreis, 2008). Many people still look up to Marx as being one of the most influential people in the ideas of communism and socialism. Marx is also thought to be the influential speaker in socialism (Kreis, 2008). Old Major was only thought as the philosopher of the idea of animalism. Throughout the entirety of Animal Farm, Orwell continues to criticize Marx’s ideas through Old Major. He makes Marx and socialism out to be very harsh by some of the things Old Major says, such as; “The only good human is a dead one.” (Bocox, 1999). Old Major is also thought to be more like Lenin because created a system in which he thought people should follow (Tanabe,

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