Director Oliver Stone’s 1987 “Wall Street” takes the audience into life as an ambitious New Yorker shooting for the moon. He fantastically interprets the idea of “making it” in a city like New York. Appropriately setting the opening scene in the middle of the hustle of transit riders as Frank Sinatra’s “Fly Me to the Moon” sets the tone of trying to escape just being a number among many. Very much like how New Yorkers have their own way of saying and explaining things, be prepared to learn the language of Wall Street, which unless you work in some kind of finance, you shouldn’t feel bad or too confused for not understanding. This hustling continues as the cameras take us into an office building to introduce us to the main character. Bud …show more content…
With a combination of screaming, yelling, and phones ringing, each trying to be louder than the other, the, also loud, background music merges with everything to definitely give the audience the New York City experience. Even the cameras were staged in away that either felt that one was up close and personal with the characters or just happened to be there and caught the gist of the conversation. This could also reflect the hustle of the city because when there is too many people, for example in a train car, things tend to get very close between passengers which seemed to be very much portrayed in Fox’s office life of Wall Street. A person like Fox, eager for success, is easily tempted to the side of greed by Gordon Gekko, played by Michael Douglas, the multiple billionaire big shot every broker wants to be. To prove to Gekko that he was ready for the “big times”, Fox shared information to Gekko about the airline his father worked for. Once the stock made money, Gekko used Fox specifically for insider training, even going the length as to have Fox chase Gekko’s competition for information. Getting back to the office, Fox gets a promotion, gets a new office, gets a new upper east side apartment, and gets the girl. Cause there is always a girl for the
Unbroken is the story of the life and hardships faced by Louie Zamperini. Starting as a troublesome child Louie is a constant problem to all around him. He turns his ways around and turns to running where he is rewarded greatly, qualifying for the olympics. After his reign of fame, Louie joins the air corps where he struggles with fear and boredom. During one mission his plane fails and he and two other crew mates are stuck stranded in the ocean.
I downloaded Moonlight off the internet last night. I often watch films with my parents but they usually think they're shit. Moonlight is one of few films that really hit home, so much so that I have spent this last day creating this blog to write about it. Not really sure if this will become a thing.
Imagine if you had a younger sibling or relatives between the ages nine through eighteen. What if they were forced to be sent to fight in the war at such a young age. But in Sierra Leone, that is not the case. Many children within that area were taken from their own homes and were threatened to become adult soldiers. As for the book, "A Long Way Gone” wrote by Ishmael Beah and the movie "Blood Diamond", shows a briefly description of how young innocent children were obligated to be committed to be a soldier. Most of the children were restrained from leaving the different rankings that they were sent to.
“There are many things in this world that a child must not ask about” (Hawthorne). In a shameful society, prejudice against an individual can go far beyond a child’s understanding of the society. On the other side, revealed, corrupt action often yields to ignominy and humiliation in public; thus, one would rather keep their guilt or shame to themselves for a perfect image. Similarly, during the 1850, Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote a novel in Salem, Massachusetts, The Scarlet Letter, which he portrays the impact of humanity’s ceaseless struggle with sin, guilt, and hypocrisy in public or private matters. Moreover, he reveals the society’s internal and external impact on the nature of the individuals. Specifically, Hawthorne utilized
The literary element setting includes the time when the story happens and location where the story takes place. Some stories use variety of settings to initiate an interesting beginning. However, the 12 Angry Man has only one fixed setting – the jury room, which is not commonly used in a novel. The author, Reginald Rose, overcomes the limitation in setting by describing changes in weather, initiating different types of character and imitating the events of the murder.
Imagine if you go outside your front door and you look left. There are two people dealing cocaine. You look right and there is someone being robbed with a gun. The movie Moonlight tells a story about a kid named Chiron who was different from everyone else, because he is different he got picked on and got taken advantage by everyone else including his mother, Paula. When Chiron had an opportunity to start all over he pretended to be someone he wasn’t so he could survive and be respected by others. The film shows Chiron in the parts of his life, when he was a kid the others called him Little, throughout his teenage years he was called Chiron, and as an adult he was Black. The movie took place in Miami, Florida in the “hood” around the 1980’s
Breathless is in many ways the antithesis of the classical Hollywood cinema; the changes have a direct effect on the relationship the film has with the viewer. Classical Hollywood cinema includes standards such as continuity editing, highly motivated, character-driven stories and a coherent narrative structure. Breathless defies these elements of traditional filmmaking, instead defining what we know as French New Wave.
Director Boaz Yakin created film “Remember the Titans”. This film was set placed in Alexandria, Virginia in 1971. At this time T.C. Williams high school was the first school having black race and white race together and neither race were happy about it. This film talks about how they overcome the racism and how each individual person on the team become one as team. And analysis of “remember the titans” shows people can overcome challenges by hard work, determination and perseverance.
The world is far from a uniform system. Each and every individual is placed in a different situation depending on everything from location, race, beliefs, and economic status. Psychology looks at how individuals come out of these specific environments and how they transform into an adult through the trials and tribulations of their growth. In The Blind Side, director John Lee Hancock focuses on an athletically skilled African-American teen, Michael Oher, who is transformed from a homeless orphan from the projects into a highly sought after college football prospect through a positive change in family, school, and supportive surroundings.
Rebecca McClanahan’s essay, “Interstellar,” is a memoir explaining what it is like, “To be the sister of a sad and beautiful woman,” (354). This line is one of the many uses of repetition the narrator utilizes to speak on the relationships her sister and her endure, while also explaining their relationship with each other. These relationships are magnified by the narrator’s use of literary elements such as metaphors, allusion, repetition, second person voice and her diction. These elements help develop characters, as well as give us a deeper sense of the relationships between the characters themselves.
Mohammed Alqarni “Desperately Seeking Susan” significantly fits into the conventions of the Hollywood cinema. The plot of the entire movie is profoundly centered on the main characters and popular stars play these. The film however does not provide with a consistent set of cause and effect of relationships. This is the point where the movie seems to be differing from the conventions of the Hollywood style of movie making. The movie however has the romance going on while a separate plot of crime and adventure as well hence this trait of the movie too fits rightly into the conventions of the Hollywood cinema.
The movie 'Wall Street' is a representation of poor morals and dissapointing business ethics in the popular world of business. This movie shows the negative effects that bad business morals can have on society. The two main characters are Bud Fox played by Charlie Sheen and Gordon Gekko played by Michael Douglas. Bud Fox is a young stockbroker who comes from an honest working-class family but on the other hand, Gordon Gekko is a millionaire who Bud admires and wants to be associated with. Greed seems to be a huge theme of this movie. This movie portrays the unethical society we live in. It shows how money oriented society has become and that people will do almost anything to get ahead.
After reading Rip Van Winkle I would like to discuss about why he took a journey up the mountain, the exaggerated characters, the mysterious events and their consequences, and the convey of a positive message about the nation.
New York City that is depicted in Taxi Driver seems to be too real to be true. It is a place where violence runs rampant, drugs are cheap, and sex is easy. This world may be all too familiar to many that live in major metropolitan areas. But, in the film there is something interesting, and vibrant about the streets that Travis Bickle drives alone, despite the amount of danger and turmoil that overshadows everything in the nights of the city. In the film “Taxi Driver” director Martin Scorsese and writer Paul Schrader find and express a trial that many people face, the search for belonging and acceptance.
Therefore, New York is represented as a very crowded city with a lot of things happening. Moreover, it seems an extremely loud city with people rushing everywhere and minding their own business.