
Oliver Twist Dialectical Journal

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Chapter 1 The arrival of Oliver Twist was quite a depressing one and it seemed rather shocking the type of treatment women who were not married received. Unmarried pregnant women seem to be treated like debris, left on the street. I hope to see that women are treated more equally in the later chapters. Chapter 2: The conditions Oliver Twist was in raising up were simply horrifying. It is utterly terrible that Oliver was constantly hungry during the when he was in Mrs. Mann’s house and I can not believe how greedy Mrs. Mann was to take money that was supposed to be for the children and use it for herself. The working conditions Oliver went through were horrid and I hope they change their policy and actually feed their hardworking employees instead of slowing starving. …show more content…

I can not believe he is actually going through this robbery with Bill Sikes. If I was Oliver I would have ran away from Bill and hide away to find Mr. Brownlow or go to the police to retrieve Mr. Fang. Anyway I hope Oliver escapes Bill. Chapter 22: Oh the absolute pain poor little innocent Oliver Twist must be feeling! Ouch I can not believe Oliver was just shot in the arm! I wonder what went through his little head and how the pain felt when he got shot. I hope Oliver won’t bleed out and that they will free little Oliver and come to the conclusion that he’s useless. Chapter 23: Wow oh wow! Things are getting super spicy with the love life of Mr. Bumble. I have to say I am very impressed that Mr. Bumble has time for such a scandalous relationship with Mrs. Corney. Yet it seems as if Mrs. Corney is not totally in with Mr. Bumble as he is to her. Chapter 24: What a turn of events! I am simply in despair and awe that we, the readers, got to go back to Sally, the nurse who helped birthed Oliver. Wow I am so frustrated that Sally past away before she was telling us the final words of Oliver’s mother, now we may never know about the gold necklace. Chapter

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