One thing every Olympian has is a burning passion inside him or her to succeed and be the best. An internal fire ignited within them. It is impossible to be at the level these athletes are without giving it everything they have. One of the greatest competitors of all time, Michael Jordan, said this, “I play to win, whether during practice or a real game. And I will not let anything get in the way of me and my competitive enthusiasm to win.” With that in mind, it is logical to conclude that Olympic athletes generally have a greater amount of intrinsic motivation. Yet, sometimes even the best athletes in the world get burnt out and struggle to give the maximum effort needed to succeed. A study (Pensgaard, 1998) done at the 1996 Olympic games
The champions of the 2015 NCAA March Madness Tournament were Duke University Blue Devils but they were not the real winners: the NCAA truly won. The NCAA is a “non-profit” organization which is “...dedicated to safeguarding the well-being of student-athletes and equipping them with the skills to succeed on the playing field, in the classroom and throughout life.” ( The NCAA regulates college sports, enforce rules and organize college sporting events. The NCAA more or less performs as a professional league’s governing body would do except one major thing, paying its moneymakers. Now is the time to pay college athletes because most live under the poverty line, the NCAA has enough money to, and the athletes are being taken advantage of.
Many people argue that competitive sports raise numerous amounts of pressure on the youth making them distracted from things such as their education and because it can cause severe injuries, but some people argue that youth should play competitive sports because it teaches major life lessons that can help with many different aspects of their future such as college, getting a job, and many more. Playing competitive sports also improves your physical strength, another physical aspect of playing competitive sports is decreasing your chance of being obese or having disease. If you don't prefer to play competitive sports there are alternative options such as biking or walking to school. In an HT Health article “Sports Seen As Key Weapon in Fighting Teen Obesity” it says that in a study with 1,700 kids, ten percent walked or biked to school 3 ½ days a week,, in the study they found that biking or walking to school lowered the risk of being obese by 33%. I argue that kids should play competitive sports because of the important life skills taught through these sports and the physical benefit of playing sports. In this paper I will explain how communication, time management, and lowering the risk of being obese; supports my claim, “Kids should play competitive sports”
I think it would great for college athletes in the NCAA football video game to receive compensation from the game because the colleges shouldn’t be the only ones benefiting from the game. There are athletes that get injured playing college football and their careers are done, so I feel it would nice for athletes to receive something from playing the game of football, especially after college. If college athletes that don’t make it professionally in a sport could receive compensation for their time playing sports, it would create opportunities for them to start businesses and become involved in other careers.
There are many fans and parents that like going to games to see their favorite players or kids play and they spend their game time watching their players make baskets or scoring touchdowns. But, there are also those fans that sit in the bleachers game after game whose players never seem make it off the bench. This happens more often in High School sports than college and professional sports. The coaches of any sports team usually put in the best players or maybe they have a favorite player that's the “star” player that gets more time in the game and more practice and help outside the games and practices. Certain players, however, should not get more attention from their coach or coach’s than others.
America’s baseball diamonds, soccer fields, hockey rinks, and basketball courts have never been so busy with children. The number of kids involved in an organized sport is not what is so groundbreaking. It’s the way in which children are playing or how their parents are arranging for them to play that may be cause for concern (Ferguson). Much controversy surrounds youth sports with the biggest disagreements coming over parental involvement and the intensity of play. Although there are many benefits for team participation, there is a growing fear that the negatives are starting to outweigh the positives.
The Olympic program tried to take Olympic Wrestling out in 2012 but, it was overruled.
Many incoming student athletes face problems with being out of shape when they first start their season. Many will claim that they will start to get in shape when they begin practicing and once they get used to it. It could be true for some student athletes, but they will find themselves struggling throughout the first couple months. Why not start off the season already in shape by eating correctly. Diet will be one of the most important lifestyles in a student athlete’s life. A lot of new collegiate student athletes will not know that eating three meals a day will help them throughout their whole season as well as their pre-season. I believe that all student athletes should consume at least three meals a day while keeping in mind what they are eating. Not only is it important for them to eat three meals a day but it is very important for all student athletes to consume the right amount of water everyday.
Many People think that the collegiate sports are just a form of entertainment for them and the players but the players think of these sports as a job. The NCAA is the National Collegiate Athletic Association and it is the center of making all of the rules for collegiate sports. They decide on if student athletes are employees under the Fair Labor Standards Act or not. Student athletes do not get enough recognition and seen as students or entertainment but not as employees. Although some people do not believe student athletes deserve the recognition of being employees, others know they should because these students fall under the title employee from the requirements placed by the Fair Labor Standards Act.
Motivation in sports is why people do what they do. It is also the direction and intensity of one’s effort and determination to achieve. The more motivated one is, the more likely one is to succeed.
Motivation is crucial for an athlete in order to want to win. It is hard to want to win if you have no motivation. The main aspect of motivation in terms of the self-determination theory is intrinsic motivation. The self-determination theory can be defined as “a highly appropriate conceptual framework from which to study sport persistence and dropout” (Calvo, Cervelló, Jiménez, Iglesias, & Moreno Murcia, 2010). Intrinsic Motivation can be defined as “an athlete taking up playing a sport just for the enjoyment of playing a sport” (Pelletier, Tuson, Fortier, Vallerand, & Briére, 1995). It is important to realize that the self-determination theory affects an athlete’s motivation intrinsically (internally) because the self-determination theory uses factors like “autonomy” and “competence” to motivate an athlete to play better in their sport. Most athletes, now and in the past, find it easier to motivate themselves intrinsically if they enjoy the sport or have fun while playing the sport (Ryan & Deci, 1985).
Do you have a passion, something you love to do more than anything? Imagine people trying to stop you from doing what you love because they think it’s not useful or a waste. Some people say competitive sports cost too much and they are way too dangerous for young kids to participate in. However, for many youth, competitive sports play a positive role. When kids play competitive sports, they are happier and they learn how to be healthy. Also, they learn life lessons that they will need for the future.
American high schools are bound to have plenty of sports for all students to play. So why not pick a sport to play in high school? The reader will learn the many reasons why playing sports is a vital part in a student's life. Highschool sports will allow students to become better educated and get higher grades. By playing sports, students will be able to make more friends and enjoy school more. Lastly, if students were to be able to get a sports scholarship for college, their parents will only have to pay little to no money. High school sports are good for students because they can get a better education, make more friends, and have a better chance at getting into a good college.
True role models are those who possess the qualities that we would like to have. Role models are those who have affected us in ways that influence us to be better people. They are people who others imitate, emulate or look to for guidance. There are good role models who inspire greatness in others and bad role models who are bad influences. There are even anti-role models, pegged by the media as "bad girls" or "bad boys" who serve as good examples of what not to do if you want to become a successful, respected person. With the majority of my time spent as an athlete throughout high school and college, I believe athletes should pose as role models.
Organized youth sports are extremely popular among youth and their families, with approximately 45 million children and adolescent participating in the US. There are many characteristics children can develop while playing youth sports such as confidence, self-esteem, leadership, respect, independence, assertiveness, and conflict resolution. Competition can help kids learn more, improve faster and reach a higher level of excellence than they would be able to without the ongoing challenge. Competitive sports can help keep kids active and health as they grow, and other distractions increase that may lead to an unhealthy lifestyle. People argue that it can destroy self-esteem and lead to resentment. Programs and coaches overemphasizing
High school athletics are important to athletes that eat, sleep, and even dream sports. This is awesome for anyone that loves and has a passion for the game. What happens after a couple years of high school athletics if a player is really good at what they do? These athletes will start getting offers from colleges and if they are good enough then they may get offers from the NBA.