
Omnivore's Dilemma Research Paper

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An author named Michael Pollan has made a book called The Omnivore’s Dilemma which talked about 4 different food chains and their pros and cons. Local sustainable farms let the animals roam freely and not be held captive. The animals eat what they are supposed to eat and all the food is natural. The best food chain to feed all the people of the United States is the local sustainable food chain because it’s healthier for the consumer, the farms treat the animals better, and it’s better for the environment. This is important because it’s important to know what exactly is in the food we eat and if it’s actually natural or not. The first reason why local sustainable is the best food chain to feed all the people of the United States is because it’s healthier for the consumer. According to The Omnivore’s Dilemma page 173 it states that there is no pesticides or artificial fertilizer in the food. This shows that the food is all natural with no pesticides, artificial fertilizer, chemicals, etc. It also states that the consumer knows exactly where there food is coming from. (Pollan 208) The consumers can see where there chickens have been killed and see how clean it is to show that …show more content…

In the Polyface farm, the animals “move in a circle” instead in a straight line with no space to move. (Pollan 169) Animals get to move around all day and for the rest of their lives unlike in the industrial farms where the animals stay in a line and eat corn all day long and for the rest of their lives. On the Polyface farm, animals are eating grass instead of corn. They eat a new paddock of grass everyday. (Pollan 176) The animals are eating grass which is good for them instead of corn which ruins there digestive system. It’s important that the local sustainable farms give the animals the freedom and food they need ro be

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