Memo To: Ms. Hwayoung Yi, Instructor: ENGL210-Section 198 From: Mr. Ming Han Soh Subject: Proposal to Improve On-Campus Dining Options Date: June 18, 2015 Purpose The purpose of this proposal is to study the main issues that affect the appeal of on-campus dining options to students of Texas A&M University (TAMU), as well as provide solutions to those issues that have been stated in the topic memo proposal that was previously submitted. Summary On June 10, 2015, Ms. Hwayoung Yi gave a response and approval to proceed with the topic proposal that was submitted on June 7, 2015. I chose to write on the issue of on-campus dining because it reflects a problem that most on-campus students have to deal with during the semester. At the moment, on-campus …show more content…
Determine on the practical ways to improve services of on-campus dining, as well as maintaining the profit margins of the university. It is critical that these goals have to be met in order to attract more students to choose on-campus dining rather than shy away from it. In the following sections, the proposed six tasks would be performed in order to determine the best practical alternative. Proposed Tasks With approval from Ms. Hwayoung Yi, I would carry out the following six tasks to find out the best course of action to make on-campus dining plans more attractive to students. Task 1. Determining the cost of dining plans and benefits. Data about the current offered meal plans are on the TAMU dining website. The following table shows the meal options available to the students of TAMU. Table 1 Plan Meals Dining Dollars Rate Additional Details Block 240 240 per semester 300 per semester $2020* per semester • Best value! • Averages 13-15 meals per week • 5 Guest Meals per semester 400 per semester $2215* per semester 500 per semester $2305* per semester Block 200 200 per semester 300 per semester $1942* per semester • Averages 10-12 meals per week • 5 Guest Meals per semester 400 per semester $2039* per semester 500 per semester $2132* per semester Block 160
I will continue to offer the hot and cold beverages and add healthy and organic breakfast and lunch with homemade pastry at a reasonable price. I also will target all of the university students and staffs by offering them a discount with a reward card. Also I will hand out flyers to all nearby businesses in the area and advertise in the local newspaper biweekly. Moreover, I will extend my business to cater for all events such as: gaming tournaments, art show, Special events and more. If you are a loyalty customer you will receive additional discount on all catering. Since this is a newly develop area any new business open in the area will received free lunch for a day for employees and staff.
The meal setting is a buffet, because of this, the location could be inside or outside. I have chosen to base the location as in the Bobcat Dinning Center. Because of this, there would be no need to use table cloths, catering plates or silverware. Instead, normal plates, cups, and other dinning ware could be used which would save time and money. Once the students arrive, they would have the choice of each station, offering variety, but if they are confined to the home cooking line, they would still have options.
I spent a lot of time with Julia's interview. She completely detests campus food, and appreciates the fact that she lives off campus this year and no longer has to depend on campus dining, as evidenced by her quote, "I don't eat on campus at all anymore because I live off campus and don't want to spend my money on overpriced food that is subpar..."
this resturant Bennie's has veriaty of differeny food. i know for a fact the student will love their food, and the coasted are not the highest we can make some profit. The most important thing that the students will buy it. They have different food from diffrent culturals and they taste amazing. The food has a high nutition value and a great taste, which compinds what teenagers need.
While the Reitz Union is generally useful for me, it could use more healthier and oriental types of food. Many of my peers are vegan and there are not many options. The students that are vegan have to find other means of food, whether it is at another dining facility or off campus. In addition, it would be nice to have other oriental food dishes such as Jamaican or Cuban. The Reitz Union hours of operation of some of the food services are not useful. Some of the food services, such as Panda Express, close relatively early. Some students that have meetings at night will have to find some other means of food or get the food before their meeting. Despite the need for more healthier and oriental food options, the Reitz Union provides students with enjoyable
Changing the type of food to incorporate delectable choices for students that aids the young palate. Another topic of discussion would be school expenses for other educational supplies that have other important use like desk or electronics that would often need replacement from overuse. With the increase in savings, the school could also explore different options for those students who do not meet open campus policy requirements. Disregarding the teens who are not off campus during lunch to have similar advantages; thus, no food is wasted and the process will become
1.Show the benefits of off campus lunch pass and how we have the potential to eat healthier this way.
Looking at the numbers above, it is evident that as students progress throughout their years at UF, they tend to stay away from the meal plan. This makes sense, because as students progress through college they typically move out of the dorms and into apartments located off campus. This makes buying groceries and eating out at restaurants more convenient compared to staying on campus for their daily meals. Another interesting point drawn from this data is that while many students choose to opt out of their meal plans at the start of their second year, the ones that choose to keep it statistically
Robert Ford, William Heisler and William Mccreary Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 2008 49: 191 DOI: 10.1177/0010880407306361 The online version of this article can be found at:
Food plays an important role in our lives, especially in college. Food affects people financially, nutritionally, and educationally. The dining halls at Virginia State University are a major source of meals and food for students. Needless to say, it is important that those students can eat at these dining halls. The problem with this is that the cost of campus dining is way too expensive for the limited options we have.
Off campus lunch should be allowed at Hebron High School in order to have a more spacious environment for the students , more time to do things and giving them more freedom.
Kent State University (KSU) is a college campus in Kent, Ohio that has over 28,000 students enrolled, many who enjoy the various restaurants throughout downtown Kent. Team 2, as students of KSU, have noticed a lack of information regarding drink specials, menus and prices at bars in or near KSU and saw the benefits of the availability of such information. Our team has requested the feedback of other KSU students, using both a Google Forms Survey and face-to-face interviews, and the feedback of bar managers, via face-to-face interviews, to collect information on their various opinions of how, if, and why bars market this information to students. This survey yielded 51 responses and 5 different bar managers agreed to interview with us at
Colorado State University is growing rapidly in size. My fellow peers and I have noticed the increase in population size, it is especially obvious when in a dining hall. Currently, we only have six dining halls on campus. I believe that the increasing study body calls for an increase in the number of dining halls available for proper accommodation.
* Raise awareness and boost trial of dining during multiple meal times, by providing satisfying dining experience.
Since college is such a busy time, most students do not have the time to sit down and cook a healthy meal. Students may eat at dining halls or fast food restaurants. Food at these places may not be the healthiest food available, but if calorie labels are present, students may pick and choose