
On Korea Essay

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On Korea

Throughout most of its history, Korea has existed as one country with a rich culture and history. Then in the 1940's, Korea was controlled by Japan.
World War II broke out, and the Allies defeated the Axis powers. The country of
Korea was divided into two parts -- the north and the south. The north was occupied by communist Russian forces and the south by American troops. The dividing line was the 38th parallel(see map). In 1950, a civil war began between the two Koreas, further separating them. Both countries have since established totally different ways of life that include government, economics, and lifestyles. As a result of all that has transpired and recent incidents, it would appear to be highly improbable …show more content…

The many contrasting elements adopted by each of the two countries have existed since the
Korean War. Neither country has shown signs of changing its ways. The differences that divide the two countries cannot be overstated.

South Korea is a very open society. South Korea contains many types of practiced religion. Buddhism has the largest amount of followers. In South
Korea, education is used to teach the cultural heritage of the country and to promote democratic institutions. Both education and religion are considered vital to the people. In government, the controlling party is democratic. The leaders are elected by the people. The government guarantees freedom of the press and religion with few limitations. South Korea's economy has been growing at an incredible rate. The country's economic growth has increased by more than five percent in the last few years.(InsouthKoreaBuisiness ) It is stepping forward into the age of technology by putting satellites into space, building nuclear power plants, creating telecommunication systems, and building and utilizing high speed railways.

North Korea is a closed society. North Korea is ruled by communism.
Because of communist philosophy, religion is discouraged, and more

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