
'On Monsieur's Departure'

Decent Essays

"On Monsieur 's Departure", with its highly interpretive nature and use of strong themes and appropriate literary devices, expresses the inner turmoil of its author, Queen Elizabeth, to the reader.

The basic concept of this 17th century poem is one of the divided passions of Queen Elizabeth. Elizabeth loved her country with fierce loyalty and control, but also had her own personal needs, and though it is not entirely certain as to whom this poem was referencing to, it is speculated to be about either the 2nd Earl of Essex or the Duc d 'Anjou (French duke of Anjou). Essex (Robert Derereaux) was 30 years Elizabeth 's junior and was a charming, opinionated man with whom Elizabeth was completely enamored, but the relationship terminated when …show more content…

The line, "Follows me flying, flies when I pursue it", with use of alliteration is concise and artful, with a condense accumulation of emotion. The theme of Elizabeth 's care (of this man) being unattainable for her to grasp is very eminent in this stanza, with two supporting examples. The first comes in lines 7 and 8, where Elizabeth conveys, "My care is like my shadow in the sun,/Follows me flying, flies when I pursue it". She is articulating that her own personal feelings are unconstrained to her, without the control she is wishing to enforce. The second instance in line 11, "No means I find to rid him from my breast," expresses not that there is a physical person which she feels the need to remove, but instead that Elizabeth believes that there is no way to eradicate the thoughts and feelings she has for this man from her heart. This continuing theme of separation from oneself and separation from emotional control is echoed throughout the poem, creating a delicate symmetry between each stanza, and allowing them to unite.

The third stanza of "On Monsieur 's Departure" embraces again figurative language, repetition, and a final accumulation of sentiment through deliberative wording. In this stanza, Elizabeth uses a very important metaphor (expression relating one thing to another) to represent herself. She writes, in line 14, that she is "made of melting snow", a phrase which captures thoughts and images that may otherwise not have been so

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