
One Day Creative Writing

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“Don’t stay out too late, and be careful!” my mom called over her shoulder from where she stood in front of the kitchen sink. “I will. I’ll have to be home before eleven thirty since I still have restrictions on my license,” I said as I strode out the back door, carrying a lawn chair and a can of insect repellant. I was still getting used to the recently-attained freedom that came along with having a driver’s license and my very own vehicle. In the month since I had been presented with a pre-owned 2004 Nissan Xterra, I had been out plenty of times on my own, but never so late. The weekend of the Riverfest conveniently coincided with my friends all having other things to do, so what better way to pass the time than to go listen to some live …show more content…

It was such a simple thing, yet it made my 16-year-old self feel so grown up. The sun had begun to set, and I couldn’t help but think that there could be no better evening; the colors of the setting sun looked like paint brushed across the cloudless sky, and the temperature was perfect. After spending what felt like hours circling downtown for a place to park, I finally found a spot in front of Sugaree’s Bakery. The first band had already begun playing, and in my hurry not to miss anymore than I already had, snatched up everything I would need and quickly made my way towards the large plot of land in downtown that was usually barren and uninteresting, but was now crowded with people and shone with neon lights that cut through the darkness. After finding a spot to set up my chair, I sat for hours, enjoying the numerous bands that played that night. I had no idea who any of them were, but it was so much better than sitting at home. As the night stretched on, I glanced down at my phone to look at the time: almost eleven. The final band was still playing and seemed nowhere close to ending their performance, but it was getting late. Although I was thoroughly enjoying the music and did not want to leave, I packed up my lawn chair, located my keys in my purse, and started back towards my …show more content…

Nothing happened. Funny, I thought to myself. Maybe the remote is dead. I walked around to the driver’s side door and unlocked it with my key. After climbing into the driver’s seat, I put the key in the ignition and turned it. Again, nothing happened. Of all times to quit, why then? My eyes scanned the area for anybody who could help me, only to find myself completely alone. I looked down at my phone; it was already a quarter past eleven. The thought of possibly going through a roadblock made me nervous enough, but having to also explain to a police officer why I was out so late with just an intermediate license made it all the more nerve-racking. I sat there for a moment, frustrated and unsure of what to do, before it occurred to me that I should call my parents. I dialed my dad’s number and waited for him to

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