
One Marriage Under God: Faith-Based Marriage Counseling

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I would advise him to seek a counselor for himself first. He will need to have a person he can confide in and talk things over with. I would also suggest that they go see a marriage therapist as a couple to work through what caused her to have the affair in the first place. Without working through their emotions the likelihood that their marriage will work is slim. As Wright says, “When you come to the end of your rope, it becomes easier and easier to say ‘I’ve had it’ or It’s over’” (One Marriage Under God, 2005, p. 106). Since there are children involved they should do everything possible to work their marriage out. The effects on the children are traumatic, even if they do not see them at first.
I also would suggest a family therapist to help the children understand what is going on with their parents and help them deal with their feelings. According to One Marriage Under God, “On average, children of divorce have more health disorders-both physical and psychological” (Wright, 2005, p. 113). The effects of going from one home to another also can cause health and other issues. …show more content…

Advising him to look into some “faith-based” marriage counseling as well. According to One Marriage Under God, there are several organizations that help churches and people directly involved with marriages, learn how to build or rebuild “Christ-centered marriages and families” (Wright, p. 117). There are also many books that he could read to help him rebuild his marriage. I would personally recommend The Peacemaker, by Ken Sande. This book helps you bring peace back in to any relationship were trust has been

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