Ontario Early Years Center is a non-profit child development organization that advocates for all children. Located in any community in Ontario. Their goal is to strive to nurture, stimulate, and educate all children from birth to 6 years of age while supporting families with programs and information to help create healthy, positive and contributing citizens. These centers were established in 2002 and were supported by the Ministry of Child and Youth Services. Up until April 2014, when the responsibility was transferred to the Ministry of Education. All programs are free of charge and are funded by the Ministry of Education that allows access for all parents and children.
This organization has demonstrated an active, purposeful and informed
064.1.1 Explain the legal status and the principles of the relevant early year’s framework/s, and how national and local guidelines materials are used in settings
The legal status and principles of the Early Years Foundation stage is used with children aged from birth to five years. The Government have outlined three primary and four specific areas and seventeen early learning goals that they think are important to a child’s development and planning is used to meet a child’s individual needs.
We have a little one in Kinder who qualifies for support in the general ed classroom. I need Katie to work 1-1 with this kiddo until we can get a grip on his behavioral needs.
To help children and families shape their own futures. We put children and their families at the center of all that we do. Providing the most expert and compassionate care needed so they can heal, grow and thrive. Children Center Head Start supports the whole child. Children center provides the children with many resources such as dental, hearing and vision. Special education children are always welcome at Children Center Head Start which provides resources for the children and families.
Assessment is an essential tool in the early childhood classroom. Teachers are always assessing students in the classroom using informal assessment and formal assessment. According to Copple (2009), stated that assessment is “the process of looking at children’s progress toward those goals. Thoughtful attention to assessment is essential to developmentally appropriate practice in order to monitor children’s development and learning, guide planning and decision making, identify children who might benefit from special services or supports, and report and communicate with others, including families.” (p.44).
“Children Institute Inc” is another organization that supports children who are abused, neglected or faced with violence, or daily poverty basis. This organization uses primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention by offering different levels of treatments and services based on the children’s mental and physical responses. And the way they provide the prevention is by seeking “evidence-based clinical services to address trauma; youth development programs to enable children and youth to develop skills and self-esteem; early childhood programs which provide critical early intervention; and family support services to build on family strengths and promote stability”. The main function of this organization is to change the children and adult’s lives
I am a student at Florida Atlantic University studying early childhood education. I am enrolled in EEC 3214 class this semester; the class is called designing and implementing a blending curriculum: birth to age eight. I am required to complete a field experience assignment at a preschool. I will observe young children ranging from three to five years old. I assure you that I will keep all information confidential. In addition, I reassure you that I will not share the information collected outside of my course and that no identifying information will be shared. I will respect and follow all the school’s policies and procedures in a professional manner.
Page, Clare and Nutbrown (2013) suggest that skills, knowledge, understanding, and capabilities are central to the quality of provision in early childcare settings. Research has established the connection between staff qualifications and the quality of the early years provision, alongside the differences in quality between maintained and private, voluntary and independent (PVI) settings (Robert-Holmes, 2012). It is understood that maintained nursery education was originally staffed by early years teachers, supported by nursery nurses with a level two qualification, and have since been replaced by graduates with qualified teacher status (QTS). Meanwhile, in the PVI sector, nursery nurses holding a level two qualification were considered
The state of early childhood profession has rapidly been changing because of the current trends, policies and movements in the rapidly changing 21st century world. This report articulates the key issues of diversity of the early childhood settings, a number of models of early childhood education and care, diversity among people, the status of early childhood profession, the belief that the profession suits female than male, the poor status of the profession and less pay than other professions associate with the early childhood profession The study consisted of analysing the strengths and challenges of the early childhood profession. The study methods of analyses include the National Quality Framework, The National Quality Standards, Assessments
There are several different organisations that provide Early Years education for children aged 0 – 5 years. Whilst some provide the entitlement from birth, some provision work in conjunction with others and entitlement starts from the age of 3 years.
Harper is a well-rounded and happy child who likes to play with his two best friends and walk his dog. He goes to swimming lessons twice a week and is often a part of school sporting teams such as the interschool soccer carnival. Harper is the oldest of two children and his younger brother does not have special educational needs (SEN).
Early years practitioners should be aware of the developmental, learning and care needs of children in their care. By completing regular observations on the children, talking to the parents/carers and looking out for any changes in the children’s behaviour, I can ensure that I am aware of a child’s changing needs. Throughout my observations and discussions with parents/carers I must be open to the possibility that a child in my care could have a safeguarding issue. It is my responsibility as an early years practitioner to attend safeguarding training and to keep up to date with new legislation and guidelines. I can also keep up to date with other safeguarding issues by reading journals such as Nursery World (https://www.nurseryworld-magazine.co.uk/)
This essay will investigate and critically evaluate two reading and two writing strategies for the early primary school context. Each strategy will be described providing an understanding of what it is and how it is used in the early years classroom setting. The strengths and limitation of each strategy will be discussed, key consideration teachers need to consider when adopting these in the classroom will also be highlighted. Using curriculum documents the relationship to these will be linked to better understand how they relate to these educational policies. For the teaching of reading the use of modelled reading and shared reading will be explored, linking the curriculum documents of the Australian Curriculum (AC) and the Early Years Learning
This essay will critically discuss the key factors that influence the management of an Early years setting focusing on government early years policies that influence the management of provision and the manager’s roles and responsibilities.
The fact that I believe that over 70% of parents in the United States become very overly anxious about leaving their baby with any person beside themselves, so I will constitute the idea childcare center where I will carefully nurture the parents fear and met their baby needs. In fact, I will offer them an individual child care packet that will include a heathy physical setting where their baby mental, emotional, and cognitive stimulations that will be guided by a license professional in the field of child care; a professional who will follow the specific guidelines in their field to ensure the baby learning experiences and features of quality in relation to the baby specific aspects of development.