
Ontario Ministry Of Education

Decent Essays

Over the last decade, the province of Ontario has invested heavily in publicly funded education (Achieving excellence:, 2014). Being established as having one of the best educational systems in the world, Ontarians pride themselves on constantly improving their educational institutions through policies that promote high scholastic benchmarks. Accomplishing high academic achievement is a goal of education and schools achieve this by focusing on student learning and performance, as they continuously work to improve their standards.
As new standards are created, improved upon, and more educational investments are made, more issues and areas to expand upon are recognized. Policies are therefore created to address these problems that the government …show more content…

Academic scholars have noted that students who are thoroughly engaged are high academic achievers (Fullan, 2016). However, the subject of parent involvement has been introduced into the discourse over the past decades and now most educational leaders agree “ the closer the parent is to the education of the child, the greater the impact on child development and educational achievement” (Fullan, 2016, p. 158). As a result, the Ontario Ministry of education created Parents in Partnership: A parent engagement policy for Ontario schools. This policy is directly aligned with the ministry’s goal of creating and maintaining a welcoming and inclusive education system. The policy identifies parents as key individuals in education as they contribute to the work of educators, schools, and the community (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2010). An investigation into the framework of the policy reveals the main actors, which are the parents; who are defined as caregivers, guardians, and parents, the government, school boards, teachers, principals, students, and the …show more content…

The policy document provides tools, strategies, information, and support both on local and regional levels. Through parent engagement, issues of bullying, self-esteem, and self-efficacy can be identified and tackled. From this policy, the main actors created a program that was well thought, addressed several issues arising from the problem definition stage, and tackled them specifically by providing solutions for effective implementation. Latent in this policy is the value of good parenting; the social complexity of this issue requires specificity in the established goals. From these goals, programs and initiatives are developed such as Parent Reaching Out grants, and so

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