No child should have to endure the pain of knowing that they will have to undergo the knife. Yet at the mere age of four, I was faced with just that. I was born with an atrial septal defect, a birth defect that causes the presence of a hole in the septum of the heart between the two upper chambers. This type of defect usually corrects itself within the first few years of a child’s life but in the unfortunate circumstance where it does not, open heart surgery is needed to repair the hole. At the time of my surgery, I was living in Enid, Oklahoma with my parents, older brother, and younger sister. My parents wanted nothing less than the best for me and that happened to be a cardiac surgeon working at Vanderbilt in Nashville, Tennessee. Luckily my mother’s side of my family lives in Lexington, Tennessee and was able to care for my siblings throughout my treatment, as well as provide high spirits for my parents and me during visiting hours …show more content…
They went above and beyond their job requirements to make a patient and her family comfortable during a very difficult time. In the years following my surgery I frequently visited doctors offices for testing and check ups. With these visits, I was exposed to inspirational doctors as well as some that fell short of expectations. I learned through first hand experience the magnitude of the impact a doctor can have on their patients lives. This knowledge has driven me to pursue a pre-med bachelors degree, in hope to attend an excellent medical school and further more become a pediatric oncologist. There is no greater cause that I can imagine devoting my life to than delivering the needed care and support to children and their families while they go through the most unimaginable situation. I want to be the doctor who handed that scared child a beanie baby right before her surgery to stop her
3) On what basis could County argue that it is conforming with the criterion at 1715(3)? On what basis could the state agency argue that County's application in nonconforming with the criterion? In your opinion, which side has the more persuasive argument? Why?
For both Atrial and Ventricular septal defect the size of the opening or hole affects how severe the child’s
When giving medical care and treatment to kids especially, you are helping an entire family. Their world comes apart when their child is injured or sick. In the future, I hope to one day be a pediatrician and restore that world for parents and their children. By volunteering at various hospitals, and especially Texas Health Plano, I will be broadening my horizons as well as experiencing a small part of the medical field which I someday hope to be a part of.
The doctors who are involved in restoring that individual back to health have the opportunity to witness a miracle; the miracle of life and healing. Becoming a doctor is more than administering medication and seeing patients. Being a doctor is being a friend, forming a familial bond, and sharing the love that a patient needs. It is being someone who gives the patient hope when they feel that there is none. Being a doctor is witnessing an impossible situation become possible. I have chosen to pursue a career in the medical field because I want to expose others to the compassion that all should feel from a healthcare provider. I believe that if I can provide a sliver of hope to a patient they will have enough faith in their process to keep trying. I want to witness first hand the wonders of nursing a premature baby back to health. I want to show love and compassion to the family who recently lost a loved one. I want to be that light; the light that shines in the midst of a dark place.
All the patients respected him and knew they were in safe hands with him. This was the doctor I would like to follow in footsteps, a doctor who is sensible, well-informed and skilled, thorough but efficient, and acting as a humane ally in a place where there is a lot of
Her birthday is November 29th 2011. She was unable to breathe on her own when she was born. On November 30th they found out she had a interrupted aortic arch. She was born with a hole in her heart. When she was born she was like any other kid just with a disability. She was transferred to a hospital in Rochester NY. She was born with a hole in her heart.
The care they gave me, and my family, made me feel so cherished. I have a deep admiration for nurses and the enormous burdens they handle with aplomb. I want to provide similar care to others and help them through their worst and scariest times. My goal is to either become a nurse, or to be an American Sign Language Interpreter in the medical field.
I have shadowed D.O. from different departments at University of Kentucky, such as Pediatrics and Oncology, Internal Medicine, and Anesthesiology departments, including ICU and OR. Because of my love for children and cancer, the rounding at Pediatrics and Oncology department was thrilling. It was shocking to see so many young children diagnosed with cancer. Sometimes, it was heart breaking to see the family going through emotional moments when they first hear about the diagnosis. The experience taught me that I can not be heartless, but neither can I be too emotional. I had a privilege to join an OR with alumni from KYCOM, Doctor Randy Legault. After long hours of operation, he talked about his experience at KYCOM, along with some tips that
In February of last year my grandfather was having problems with his heart. He often complained about the feeling of pressure casting on to his chest so he went to the doctors in pursuit to figure out what is causing these menacing pains. To his discovery, the doctor examined his heart and explained to him that he would need to receive coronary artery bypass surgery. My family and I were scared of the risks involving the surgery but the doctor assured us that it is not as intricate as it sounds. So on February 23rd My grandfather went into have coronary artery bypass surgery and regrettably did not make it out alive. In tears my mother screamed at the surgeon who gave us this terrible news, demanding answers. The surgeon explained to us that
Surgeons mostly work in a private practice or a public hospital. These medical professionals spend time many settings: consulting rooms, operating theatres, wards and special units (e.g. emergency). Surgeons are required to travel between offices and hospitals in order to address their patient's concerns.
The diagnostic value of ausculating the heart mainly depends on the sounds that one hears from the heart and hence may be different. According to Roxette in 1988, the diagnostic value was determined by one though listening to his or her own heart. The type of information one can get when listening to the heart includes what his or her heart sounds like, how often each sound occurs and how loud is the sound of the
Access to healthcare services is a very crucial issue for the patient’s population. The difficulty of this process is even higher when any type of surgical intervention is required. The rules and regulations are creating some obstacle for patients in order to receive immediate care. In the population of my interest access to healthcare and health services is going to another level of hardship because the type of surgery that this population will go through is not a regular open heart surgery but it is minimally invasive cardiac surgery (MICS). Minimally invasive approach in open heart surgery allows access to the heart through small incisions and without stopping the heart, or separating the breastbone (sternum) and ribcage, or requiring a
Being a pediatric oncologist saves lives of young adults who are just like you and me, we trust them with our lives when we go to them if needed. If you want to help today donate to cancer research, run the relay for life, do everything you can to make it apparent that kids like Violet are getting the strength and support from all of us that they need. Being a pediatric oncologist saves lives, how would it make you feel to be a hero in a child’s
One of the smartest things the Hallmark Channel ever did (in my opinion) was to make the decision to schedule a series of films that correspond with each of the holidays and seasons. Due to the astronomical growth at this network (and no, I am NOT exaggerating), Hallmark has been incredibly kind in its bestowment of leading roles in some of these beloved films to lesser-known actors, and it just so happens that is why I reached out to Kevin McGarry. While I am not overly familiar with his past works, I was quite pleased that Kevin carved out some time in his frenetic schedule to answer a few questions about his career and specifically his work with Hallmark.
Imagine your just 3 months old daughter is diagnosed with a heart disease and the only way to save her is by a heart surgery. This happened to Esther Gonzalez, whose daughter, Jordan, was diagnosed with congenital heart disease. It was not easy at all, just imagine all both