
Opening Wedge Osteotomy Disadvantages

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As the commonality is increasing in proximal tibial osteotomy, imagine being born with the deformity which leads to abnormal distribution of weight bearing stress on your knee. In recent years, there have been new methods discovered for these procedures each of which has certain advantages and disadvantages. This proximal tibial osteotomy procedure is commonly used to realign knee structure no matter what the diagnosis has been. However, physical therapy is a crucial part that goes hand-in-hand with surgery, and for one to understand its function, it is also prominent to apprehend the general recovery process of physical therapy. With this in mind, there are three effective ways to approach the proximal tibial wedge osteotomy: high tibial …show more content…

The major downside to the procedure is that very few surgeons are using the method due to a lack of proper instrumentation. Opening wedge osteotomy is a method in which needs proper instrumentation. Besides the fact that there are few surgeons who know the procedure, there are a lot of positives to the operation. Having the opening wedge technique done is the most common. It maintains a posterior slope, avoids proximal tibia fibular joint, and avoids peronial nerve in the anterior compartment. The procedure also has advantages over the closed wedge technique. It’s faster, more simple, gives the ability to quickly change the angle at any time during the procedure, and there is no fibular osteotomy required (Proximal Tibial). Not only are there few disadvantages to this method, but there are several positives/ advantages to this procedure. If you don’t mind for the open wedge method, there is always one last …show more content…

There can be disruption of the tibial – femoral joint. There is possible damage to neurovascular structures. It’s possible to disrupt the medial cortex, resulting in instability and non- union between the upper and lower bone because of possible soft tissue interference. It can also be extremely difficult to compute the correct amount of bone to remove, meaning several extra cuts are sometimes made. While closed wedge osteotomy is most common, it also had the most reduced risk of failure. The surgeons use a specific technique where a wedge of bone is removed with the tibia on an anterolateral approach, because it gives the patient a massive disadvantage: “The patient has more inherent stability which allows for faster rehab and weight bearing as well as not requiring bone grafting” (High

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