
Operant Learning Punishment

Decent Essays

Operant learning was created and researched by Edward Thorndike and B.F. Skinner in the early to middle 1900s. Operant learning is a type of learning that is controlled by consequences(reinforcement). These consequences can include a punishment or even a reward that reinforces a behavior. When a reinforcement is provided it is proven that a behavior will increase. In operant learning, there are four different types of consequences: positive punishment, negative punishment, positive reinforcement, and negative reinforcement. A positive or negative punishment will always decrease an unwanted behavior. The only difference between the two is in positive punishment something is added, and in negative punishment something unpleasant is removed. An example of positive punishment would be spanking a child, and an example of negative punishment would be losing money to a swear jar. The last two forms of consequences are positive and negative reinforcement. Reinforcement always increases the desired behavior. In positive reinforcement, something pleasant is added and in negative reinforcement something unpleasant is taken away. An example of positive reinforcement would be a teacher complimenting students after a correct answer, and an example of negative reinforcement would be …show more content…

If the behavior is not decreased then the consequence was not a punishment. Positive and negative reinforcement will always increase a behavior. If the reinforcement does not elicit an increase in the desired behavior it is not a reinforcement. In order to make punishment and reinforcement most effect I must punish/reinforce immediately following the behavior and I must create a schedule for punishment/reinforcement and remain consistent. Immediate response combined with a consistent schedule should have the students whipped into shape in no time. Operant learning can be very beneficial in a classroom setting or even in everyday

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