
Ophelia's Disappearance Of Words In Hamlet By William Shakespeare

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Words are some of the most dangerous weapons in the world. Words can be used to deceive people’s appearances. William Shakespeare is wrote many books with appearances deceived by words. An example of a book by Shakespeare of appearances through words is Hamlet. In the book, Hamlet must revenge his father death by killing his murderer, the king, Claudius. However, in order to kill him, Hamlet said that he must act mad; therefore, no one will suspect him. People that Hamlet convinces that he is crazy is Ophelia, his mother the Queen, and Polonius. Hamlet was able to deceive them by the way he talked and the way he used his words. Hamlet’s mother, Gertrude, is one of the first and many people that Hamlet convinces that he is truly mad. The reason …show more content…

Ophelia is the daughter of Polonius, and loves Hamlet, therefore, she is one of the first people that Hamlet convinces that he is mad. When Hamlet first persuades her that he is mad, he convinces her by not using words. This led to her thinking that he is mad because Hamlet always talks to her. Therefore, by not speaking to her, Ophelia is concludes that something is wrong. She came to this conclusion when Hamlet “took [Ophelia] by the wrist and held [her] hard” (2.1.99) and then “raised a sigh so piteous and profound/As it did seem to shatter all his bulk/ And end his being: that done, he lets [her] go” (2.1.106-108). This action was so unusual to Ophelia because he would usually talk to her. As a result, she believes that Hamlet has gone completely mad. As a reaction, she tells her father Polonius, and convinces him that Hamlet is truly mad. The second example is when Hamlet confronts Ophelia in a staged meeting made by Claudius and Polonius. During this meeting, Hamlet starts to “attack” her with words. This confrontation frightens Ophelia so she cries out, “Heavenly power, restore him!” (3.1.153). When Ophelia said this, it shows that she recognizes that Hamlet is truly mad, because she asks God to heal him. The reason why she said this is that the appearance that Hamlet put on, with his words, an appearance of wanting to harm Ophelia. Unfortunately, Hamlet actually hurts Ophelia because his appearance by his words drew him into attacking her. This shows that Hamlet’s words can manipulate or persuade other people and himself into believing or doing something. After this confrontation, Ophelia is confident that Hamlet is mad, and Claudius and Polonius are convinced into believing that Hamlet is mad because of the way he talks to Ophelia. The reason for this is that Hamlet does not usually talk to Ophelia like this, and will never hurt her. Therefore, Hamlet’s appearance through his words manipulates Claudius and

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