

Satisfactory Essays

When it comes to the quote by the poet, Horace, "Seize the day", I must agree. I agree with this quote for three reasons. Those being, you don't know if you will get a chance to have the oppurtunity again, life is short, and also make the best out of every day. The first reason I agree with the quote is you don't know if you will get an oppurtunity again. What I mean by this is, if you had an oppurtunity to go to a museum on a vacation you take that oppurunity. If you don't you might not get the chance to have that oppurtunity to go to that museum again. If you do, you have seized the oppurinity. If you don't take the oppurtunity you might spend the rest of your life wondering what it would've been like to go to that museum and have …show more content…

You should live every day like it is your last, you should take every good oppurtunity that you can daily. If you seize the day, then you are living your life to the fullest. You don't know when you will leave this earth. If you want something, like to go skydiving then you should do it. If you have the oppurtunity don't waste it. For example, I went to church camp about four years ago, it was an amazing oppurtunity and I was very fortunate to go. I am glad I went because life is short, and I don't know if I would've had that oppurtunity again, I seized the day. Lastly, I agree with the quote because you should make the best out of every day. Sometimes it is hard to wait for something, like when you were little and you wanted to go play outside, but it was raining. As a child I went outside and played in the rain because I wasn't going to sit inside and be upset, I needed to make the best of the day, seize the day. I pulled on my rain coat and went and played in the rain. If you choose to wait for something, you might miss it, that is why you should make the best out of everyday. In conclusion, seizing the day in the end seems like the more logical thing to do. If you wait around waiting for something big to come into your life, you might end up missing out. Therefore, when it comes to the quote by Horace, "Seize the day", I agree because, you don't know when you will get the oppurtunity again,

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