Oprah Winfrey was born to a teenaged mother and spent her infant years with her grandmother. At the age of six, she went to live with her mother. She was left alone for most of the day due to Venita’s job as a housekeeper. While she was gone, her male relatives came to visit and abused her. Once she was old enough, she flew out to Nashville to live with her father. There, she accomplished many important things to her career. She won the Miss Black Tennessee Pageant and won a scholarship to the State University and was offered a job on the radio at WVOL (the local radio station in Nashville). After a couple of years having that job, she was offered to be the very first African-American Women to host a talk show. During this time she faced many
Oprah Winfrey is an example of an entrepreneur who has reached legendary status not only in the United States but also worldwide. Overcoming a life of hardship, Oprah leaped over all obstacles to become one of the richest and most successful self-made women in history. Her career started at a news station in Nashville where she became the first African American co-anchor. She dropped out of college her senior year to move to Baltimore to co-anchor the nightly news in Baltimore. Although reading the news did not play to Oprah’s strengths, the opportunity soon arose for her to host her own talk show. Her connection with the audience, her viewers, and her guests on this show is what led to her success in this medium and paved the way for her
Oprah Winfrey’s past helped shape her into the influential person she is presently. According to achievement.org, the official website of a museum of living history in Washington D.C., Winfrey was born on January 29, 1954 in Kosciusko, Mississippi to mother, Vernita Lee and father Vernon Winfrey. Vernita was just a teenager when Oprah Winfrey was born. Winfrey was sexually abused by several of her mother’s friends and relatives while her mother was away working. The abuse lasted from ages nine to thirteen. When Winfrey tried to run away, she was sent to a juvenile detention home, but was denied admittance because all
"As long as I can remember, I've been the kind of person who wants to share the things that makes life better" (Winfrey). This quote best fits Oprah because she is a caring person out in the society today and in the past. She has impacted the lives of many humans in the united states and also other countries in the world. Oprah Winfrey was born on January 29, 1954, in Kosciusko, Mississippi. Her childhood consists of being lonely, unhappy, and friendless. When she was young girl, her parents left her. She had no brothers and sisters. She was the only child. So, she had to move in with her grandmother and live with her. Her grandmother lived on an old rustic farm in the country
Throughout the years, the world has witnessed significant technological advances in all fields, especially in media. With the continuous advancements in technology and the easy access to information, media has taken over a notable part of our day to day lives. In this paper, we will be focusing on one of the remarkable media figures known to the world, Oprah Winfrey. More importantly, this paper will focus on her challenges as an organization leader leading the famous Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN).
In 1995, Oprah was named on Forbes magazine’s “The 400 Richest People in America” with a worth of over $300 million. Despite all of the fame and fortune, Winfrey remains as an important and powerful leader in the world. Oprah is considered “one of the most charitable celebrities” (Oprah Winfrey), and one that has made a huge difference in the world. She continually donates her own money and time to charities around the world benefiting different organizations. “In fact, BusinessWeek in 2005 named her one of America's 50 most generous philanthropists at an estimated $303 million in charitable donations” (Oprah Winfrey). Winfrey began to show her love for Africa when she started to bring attention to poverty and AIDS. Oprah started to donate
Oprah Winfrey is an anchorperson, a media mogul, and a magazine publisher. As a child Oprah lived in a divided family. Just like me she also lived with her grandmother for the beginning years of her life. Her parents were not together so they she split time between the two of them. She is a very loving and caring person and loves to help people in anyway that she can. Children have always been a sensitive subject for her since she did not have the best of childhoods. They have a special place in her heart because she can relate to children so she does everything for them out of love. This is something I can relate to and is why I choose to do her.
Oprah Winfrey grew up in a world of adversity, despite her early accomplishments as a gifted child. She began her career in 1976, when she moved to Baltimore to join WJZ-TV News. (Oprah Winfrey Biography, 2011) Her empathetic personality made her many friends, and she was invited to Chicago in 1984 to begin hosting a half-hour morning program. Within a year, she had turned the AM Chicago radio show into the most important radio show in town, and was soon expanded to a full one-hour format. During this time, Oprah struggled with the stereotype that as a black woman she would always be an assistant anchor on the news, or simply a well-spoken host of a talk show. This could not have been further from the truth, as Oprah was able to create her own format for excellence in all forms of media, not simply talk or television. The show was renamed the Oprah Winfrey Show in 1985, and kept that name for twenty-five years until she retired the show in 2010.
Oprah became pregnant, and gave birth to a baby. Sadly the baby was premature and died shortly after birth. Due to all the trouble Oprah was getting into her mother sent her to live with her strict father in Nashville, TN. At the ages of fifteen and sixteen Oprah began making strides to better her life. In high school Oprah was an honor student, voted most popular, joined her high school speech team, got a job working at a grocery store, and won a four year scholarship to Tennessee State University. At the age of seventeen Oprah entered and won the Miss Black Tennessee beauty pageant. By winning this pageant a local radio sought out Oprah and asked her to do the news part time while she was still in high school. After graduating high school Oprah went to Tennessee State University and majored in communication while still doing the news part
Heroes innovate and change the way the world goes about its day to day life. Ordinary people can be heroes when they have enough perseverance to extraordinary deeds. Heroes are leaders who are caring, honorable, and brave. Heroes are people who put others’ needs before their own. These individuals sacrifice themselves for anyone. Oprah Winfrey is a hero to thousands of people across the world many being women and children.
Oprah Gail Winfrey was born on January 29, 1954 in Kosciusko, Mississippi to the unwed Vernita Lee and Vernon Winfrey at a time when illegitimate children were highly frowned upon. Soon after Oprah’s birth, her parents separated; her father, who was in the military, moved to Nashville and remarried; while her mother moved north in search of employment and a fresh start, leaving Oprah to be raised by her grandparents. From an early age Oprah exhibited elevated intelligence, her grandmother, Hattie Mae Lee, encouraged her curious mind teaching her how to read at an early age and pruning her developing speaking skill which she put to practice in church by reciting bible verses and sermons. When she started school, she was allowed to skip ahead to first grade and then third grade because she already knew how to read and write. Then at the age of six, her grandmother became ill and Oprah was sent to live with her mother
Born January 29 in the quaint town of Kosciusko, Mississippi. Oprah Winfrey had risen from nothing became the first African American woman billionaire and achieving the “American dream”. According to www.oprah.com, her official website, she had accomplished being a television pioneer, a producer/actress, a magazine founder and editorial director, online leader, philanthropist, television programming creator, broadway producer and she has been awarded many honorary achievements. As a child may individuals in her town knew that she was a gifted individual;
Being True To Yourself The concept of this essay is to show an example of someone who is true to herself and what I would change to better my authentic life. “Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string. Accept the place the divine providence has found for you, the society of your contemporaries, the connection of events”, (Self-reliance). I love this quote because it is truthful and it’s great advice.
At the age of 15 Oprah moved to live with her dad Vernon. Vernon made Oprah read a book every week and then write a report on it each week (“Oprah Winfrey Biography”). In her new structured environment Oprah became an honor student. Likewise, Ben Carson’s mother made him and his brother read a book then write a report on it each week. Oprah being a gifted speaker earned money for speaking during church, and community groups which helped her get scholarships (Peterson).
An intelligent entertainer, educator, philanthropist, entrepreneur, dedicated activist, Oprah is leading and encouraging change through her organization, showing genuine concern for her team and followers. Oprah is there for her followers, to provide the inspiration for others, focusing on team efforts, and supports the development of the culture of the organization. She empowers creativity and new ways of thinking, listens, a lot, to the needs of her followers, has charisma, influential and inspiring.)
Oprah Winfrey is an inspiration to many all around the world. She did not have a very good home life up until the age of 14. She was abused as a child and did not see her mother very often because she was a housemaid who was gone almost every day all day. Vernon Winfrey, Oprah’s father, was a big service in her life when it came to keeping her in a nonviolent manner. Oprah also had her career going for her when she became Miss Black Tennessee at age 17. When Oprah became Miss Black Tennessee she was offered a radio broadcasting job and a full scholarship to Tennessee. Oprah had quite a few talk shows yet she made the most money off her own show, The Oprah Winfrey Show, and now has her individual network called The Oprah Winfrey