One week before I was due to show my horse Bender in the county fair, my horse and I were practicing in the pasture when Bender accidentally stepped on a large rock, and stumbled. The next day, Bender was limping. A horse who limps in a show will be disqualified. Optimism instantly had to become a priority of mine if I wanted to heal Bender. I took special care of my horse, and stayed extremely optimistic that we would be able to compete in the upcoming county fair. This optimistic view of my horse's lameness lifted my spirits, and convinced me not to throw in the towel. The day before the fair, Bender had not limped once, so we were able to compete, and we did exceptionally well. Optimism should be a priority because it inspires, brings …show more content…
My sister Sarah had always dreamed of becoming a veterinarian, ever since she could be around the animals on our farm. A couple years after graduating college, Sarah decided to make her dream of becoming a vet a reality. Sarah applied to many veterinary schools, all the while being optimistic that she would be accepted, and was finally admitted to a veterinary college in Grenada. Sarah struggled constantly to receive good grades and maintain her schoolwork. Nevertheless, Sarah remained optimistic that she would finish veterinary school with exceptional grades, and achieve her childhood dreams. Finally, after five grueling years of veterinary school, Sarah graduated and fulfilled her dreams of becoming a veterinarian. Optimism inspired my sister to reach her dreams, making it one of her top …show more content…
In the words of Winston Churchill, "The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." When we are optimistic that we can get a job done, or that we can find a cure for a disease, we are more motivated, and we work harder. A scientist who is pessimistic that they will never find a cure for a specific disease will have a mental mind block against finding a cure for a disease, making it considerably harder for them to find a cure. However, a scientist who is optimistic about finding a cure for a disease will be motivated and more focused on their dedication to discovering a cure for a disease such as cancer. When you are optimistic, you are more motivated, and when you are motivated, you are more productive, consequently making optimism a particularly important priority in everyday
Can being optimistic improve someone’s health? Yes, that’s why the best way people can respond to conflict is by having a positive attitude. Having a bright outlook can not only improve a person’s health but it can save their life and possibly others, just like in Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl and Miss. Breed because these people inspired others and stayed optimistic.
According to, the definition of optimism is “A disposition or tendency to look on the more favorable side of events or conditions and to expect the most favorable outcome.” Looking on the more favorable side can help in the most difficult times. Having a positive attitude is the best response to conflict, especially in time of war. Optimists such as Winston Churchill and Anne Frank kept hope for a better future throughout World War II.
An article written by Kendra Cherry states, “By nurturing positive emotions, even in the face of terrible events, people can reap both short-term and long-term rewards, including managing stress levels, lessening depression, and building coping skills that will serve them well in the future” (Cherry). Optimism has allowed for people to deal with conflicts in a healthy way. Neuroscientist Tali Sharot in her book The Science of Optimism: Why We’re Hard-Wired for Hope argues that optimism provides an adaptive advantage. According to her, “Expecting our future to be good reduces stress and anxiety, which is good for our health. Researchers studying heart attack patients have found that optimists were more likely than nonoptimistic patients to take vitamins, eat low-fat diets, and exercise, thereby reducing their overall coronary risk” (Popova). Dealing with conflicts positively is better for your health and it decreases bad health
As I sat in the truck on the twelve mile ride I thought to myself this day has finally come I’m about to do what I’ve always wanted to. I didn’t know what to expect so I asked my cousin for a prep talk before the show. As we got closer and closer I got nervous and nervous, but I was ready. My cousin could tell I was nervous from all the moving and talking I was doing. Yay, we finally made it and its time to unload to horse and get them saddle up so this show can begin. With that being my first horse show I was proud of myself because I finish in 3rd place. To finally get the chance to do what I’ve being wishing to do forever made me feel like the happiest person in the
Taking the above evidence into consideration it is concluded that an optimistic pattern of thinking will make recovery from breast cancer more likely. This is especially evident when considering the emotional recovery of patients. In addition to being found to be less anxiety optimist were also associated with physical and emotional well-being among people coping with serious medical illness, including breast cancer. (Frieman et al., 2006)
"You can't even walk, let alone ride", they laughed when I told them I had entered for the State Horse Championships — but I was determined to
Dispositional optimism (DO) is a psychological construct defined as the tendency to have positive expectations about the future (Carver & Scheier, 2014). DO is considered a relatively stable trait, and is based upon the expectancy-value theory of motivation. The theory suggests that an individual’s confidence in their ability to succeed (expectancy) and the predicted benefits of completing a task (value) determine the strength of their motivation. A person with a high score of DO (an optimist) is likely to exert effort when tackling a challenging task as they tend to be more confident when assessing their ability to complete a valued goal. The confidence in their abilities
If for some reason you don’t know what the words “Optimistic” or “optimism” means then that probably means you’re really not an optimistic person about things yourself. Anyways, just in case, being optimistic means that you’re hopeful and confident about the future, and always looking for the positive side of things over the negative aspects of them. Now I understand that being optimistic with things in life or situations that we go through can be very a difficult thing to do for most people, depending on what type of person they are. I mean, someone can just be genuinely happy about their life and the positive things that come out of it, but then there are people out there that are maybe just two seconds away from just giving everything up, they’re maybe at a point in their life
Though this life lesson I have learned that if you don’t put in the time and effort to reach your goals then why even ride. Most lessons are learned for a purpose and not to be wasted away. I discovered the lesson when I decided to start training on my lease project with the horse that did not see a show atmosphere in her 5 years. I knew that this would be a long haul on the goals I had set for the both of us being that this would be my first time taking what I knew from the different barn I took lessons at and applying them to my new project. I knew there would be challenges along the road that we would face and you can never prepare for those. As this was
My education experience has been consistently eye-opening and successful. With my participation in honors, PAP, and AP classes, I have learned to enhance and build upon my studying habits and form innovative solutions to any problem or challenge I may encounter. My experiences in these classes have developed not only a passion to be successful in everything I choose to do, but has also created an insatiable desire to learn everything I possibly can in order to broaden my perspective on life and form connections and relationships with individuals who share the same mindset. The values I have learned in my educational and academic experiences fuels my desire to learn and be academically successful, and by pursuing my doctorate degree in Veterinary Medicine, I am confident that I will be able to make a difference while learning more about the field I am interested in.
Pablo Neruda, a Chilean Poet mention: “Where does the rainbow end, in your soul or on the horizon?” Whenever I read this quote I think optimism; if you’re optimistic many doors will open. Well you may be tasking yourself what does being optimistic has to do with your health? A study made in 1990’s, in Finland, with two groups of 1,250 healthy man (one group was pessimistic and the other group was optimistic), in a time frame of ten years; reveal that the group who were pessimistic, two thirds of them die, and the rest of the group had suffer from cancer or heart attacks. I don’t have the best health in the world, but by being pessimistic I am only going to make things worse for me that could led to a premature death. So my first healthy
Being optimistic is the main principle for most people. We may often hear the statement about “be an optimist, not a pessimist!” shouted by people. Sometimes you do it for yourself too. When facing such a failure or problem, this will not only help to relieve your heart. Being optimistic will help someone to be healthy in physical and mental. An optimist will find the best way in any circumstance and hope for every good thing can come to him/her. You may have gone through thousands of hard times. However, if you are a born optimist then you will not care of anything destructing you.
Curly got up in the cold brisk morning, going to grab his bow, he got tripped by something. “Ahh” He scraped his knee. His little sister was cleaning the bowls and the hide but she brought a sharp rock into the teepee.
There more likely than pessimists to seek social support and they 're more likely to emphasize the positive in their appraisals of stressful events. Pessimists are more likely to deal with stress by giving up or engaging in denial. On the other hand, optimists are better at coping with the distress associated with everything from menopause to heart surgery.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you! You guys are the best parents in the world!” I said. “You’re welcome sweetie.” said my mom and dad. When I found out that I was riding at the Goodells 4-H Fair, I freaked out! It was my second year at Fair. I did a class called Horseless Horse the year before because you have to be 9 to ride and I was only 8 years old and called a participant. But that’s okay I still got to work with horses and that’s all that mattered to me. Now back to the main story. The only thing that we didn’t have was a horse. We searched everywhere and couldn’t find anything that was right for me.