Karma is an entity which teaches one to be both humble and generous; I am a strong believer of “what comes around, goes around”. I can confidently say that I lead a comfortable life: I can wish for whatever, act as my heart desires, and go wherever I please. However, there are others who are not granted the same rights as the ones I have: the right to basic health care is one of them.
A considerable amount of people around this world does not have access to basic health care. Poor sanitation, exposure to harmful materials, and disease are just a few of the problems which can lead to the death of billions in this world. Unfortunately, one needs to be wealthy in order to protect oneself from these developing diseases. According to The Health Site, “39 million people are forced into poverty in India” due to the extreme costs of health management. One could infer from this context that medical care is perceived as a luxury in India, not as a necessity; this alone has the power to create a great decline within the nation’s population. However, this can be changed if enough people
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I hope to become an Optometrist because vision is such an essential trait for living things, and allows for them to progress even if the other body parts stop working. I have always been interested in the medical field, and will work endlessly in college to obtain my degrees: a Bachelor’s in Biology, with emphasis in Physiology, along with a Doctorate of Optometry. Afterwards, I hope to build and strengthen my career, gain experience, and travel to a developing nation to aid its citizens. I look forward to commuting to a foreign location alongside a group of doctors, whom all share the same goal as me. With them, I aim to provide free eye examinations, low-vision therapy, and eye-surgery to the needy. These clinics will allow for my group to assist the people who either cannot support the cost of the treatment or dwell in a remote
The Barbarians hate Triggered the fall of the Roman Empire Empires in Ancient time were very important. The Roman Empire was one of the most popular empire in the world, which is why its fall was very significant to the world and that the Barbarians have a big part on triggering the fall of the empire. The Barbarians and its tribes cause the fall of the Roman Empire by having the tribe’s hatred, feeling betrayed, and by destroying or taking over parts of the Roman Empire.
I expect a career that is challenging; one that does not readily give two similar workdays; a career that puts me in continual contact with regular people, who experience a wide-range of feelings and symptoms. I want to go to work every day and know for a fact that every action I perform has the ability to impact someone else, and the better I prepare, the more I care, and the more carefully I listen, the more I can help a patient get better, as I better myself as a clinician. And finally, it is important to me that I retain a level of fascination about my field of work. It is hard to believe that studying a special sense, such as vision; one that has such impact on daily life as to be an independent field in primary care; one that merges systemic conditions with highly isolated and differentiated conditions, could ever fail to be amazing in regards to interesting information. Through my recent experience in shadowing a practicing optometrist, I have successfully confirmed that this is, in fact, the career for me. I know that the opportunities for helping others, and for personal enrichment, are flourishing in the field of optometry, and it is my desire to purse
In India, despite reforms and improvements in access to health care, inequalities are related to socio-economic status, geography, and gender, and are compounded by high out-of-pocket expenditures, with more than three-quarters of the increasing financial burden of health care being met by households.
An eager interest in the workings and anatomy of the eye has stemmed my interest towards a career in optometry. My fondness for science came from reading the book ‘The Man Who Mistook His Wife for His Hat', which recounts the case histories of patients lost in the bizarre, apparently inescapable world of neurological disorders, this drove my passion past the scope of the curriculum, engaging with ideas independently to follow a career in optometry.
Vulnerable populations make up those that are economically deprived, ethnic and ethnic minorities, those with no insurance, the elderly, low-income children, the homeless, those that have HIV, not to mention individuals that are suffering from some type of chronic health conditions, as well as severe mental illness (Srinivasan S, 2011). This can also comprise of rural residents, who continually experience barricades to retrieving the right healthcare facilities (Buntin MB, 2009). The vulnerability of these people is heightened by age, sex, race, ethnicity, and factors for instance revenue, insurance coverage (or lack thereof), and lack of a typical cause of care (Srinivasan S, 2011). This paper will discuss the things that affect the vulnerable population of the poor or financial disadvantaged.
Having been born and raised in Southern California, I was oblivious to the whole idea of a good healthcare system. It wasn’t until I moved to India that I experienced how a poor public healthcare system can adversely affect its people and development. Diseases and epidemics we only read about in books are, unfortunately, a common sight. The biggest tragedy is that many fail to understand how the afflicted individual is suffering. The ability to empathise with a patient’s condition is often lost as it is easy to lose sight of what the concerned individual might be experiencing.
Health systems in developing countries, which are often already constrained by resources, have benefited from mHealth through increased access to healthcare
To begin with, there are some bad sides of medical services by money- making corporations which concentrate on profit than the method of healing. Besides, the fee which charge with these services is unaffordable for poor people .That leads to overcharges the patients in state hospital because they can not settle for these transactions in money- making companies. In other words , people who live in poverty line would not have a chance to visit a doctor . For instance, people who locate in a countryside
“Health care is an essential requirement for well being” (Maruthappu). All over the world, health care is a constant concern because of the difficulty maintaining quality and affordability. In the United States, health care reform has been a huge debate topic. The purpose of health care is to satisfy the medical needs of an individual. However, many Americans consider health care a “luxury,”because millions of low-income families cannot afford the same care as the middle or high class. In this case, the right to quality and affordable health care is not extended to all Americans. Universal health care will ensure a higher life expectancy, reduce the cost of medical treatment through a single-payer method, and improve medical treatments.
Maternal death rates are higher in poor women than they are rich women. Women that need contraceptives to protect themselves from harm cannot get to them as easily as rich women can. (Wagner 3) Refusing poor women medication leads to medical complications. Consequently, the high price of contraceptives should be lowered to be accessible for women of all wealth and classes due to the fact that it could save lives. Refusing women these prescriptions that can save their lives is an inhumane behavior and without lowering the prices, the population will continue to treat these women poorly. A factor in the high prices is the amount of money the government and hospitals receive through treating patients. The problem is that there is more money in treating a patient than preventing a disease or virus from happening in the first place. Being in poverty goes hand in hand with health. Without money, receiving the medical care needed is nearly impossible. (Torr 25) Even having an opportunity to lower health care prices or preventing diseases, the people in charge of this matter may hesitate to due to the high amount of money they receive in treating an
Optometry; all my strengths encompassed into a profession. The reason why I want to become an optician is due to the combination of science and to benefit our generation by nurturing our sense of vision.
Millions of people are deprived of attaining proper medical care and endure the challenges that poverty throws at them. Every person in the world is on a different social status in society, thus some people faces challenges that others may not. Some of these challenges are expensive medication, inability to attain medical care, resulting in bad treatment towards patients. One of the many challenges that people face when being in poverty is the expense of health care.
I am from the small city of Garland, Texas right outside of Dallas. I came from Viet Nam to the U.S for the last four years and I attended Richland College, where I am an active member of Phi Theta Kappa and Honor Society. My career goal is Doctor of Optometry. I have done 68 credit hours, and I will earn an associate degree in next spring 2016.
Modules on ethics in Religious Studies as well as the laws and regulations surrounding medical practice as taught in Economics gave me an insight into the importance of morals and integrity in a caring profession. Work experience has given me a flavour of working in a professional environment and insight into the duties and responsibilities of an Optician. I undertook administrative duties such as filing patient’s details into the computer and booking patient’s eye tests. My social and communication skills were put
The country of India is second in terms of population size and the major cities are becoming overcrowded. Poverty rates in India have increased over the last few years and despite the economic boom the country is experiencing, the people are still living in overcrowded ghettos or slums. Overcrowding and population has brought healthcare challenges. In India, maternal and child mortality are still high, malnutrition among children and pregnant women increase yearly, and the country leads the numbers of Tuberculosis (TB) infection. Furthermore, India’s HIV problem has increased and now is third among 195 countries. The lack of basic healthcare, support and supplies from Indian official has only fueled the healthcare challenges it faces.