
Order Theory Vs Power-Conflict Theories

Decent Essays

Question 6: According to the order theory, there are patterns of inclusion between racial and ethnic groups when they are incorporated into a dominant society. By this definition, intergroup contact that integrates through conformity to a dominant group and by cultural pluralism can be categorized under order theories. When intergroup contact begins as a social hierarchy, the interaction between the immigrating and native group can be modified by the new coming group conforming to the will of the dominant. In this way, the incoming group will gain acceptance and equality by being subordinate to the dominant group. Another possible adaptation pattern that is seen as an order theory is that of cultural pluralism. In cultural pluralism, both …show more content…

In contrast to order theories, power-conflict theories highlight the inequalities between groups instead of the equalities. By doing this, power-conflict theories lead to higher racial and ethnic subordination in a society. Continuing aim for genocide as intergroup contact can be classified as a power-conflict theory since the dominant group seeks to oppress and bring to light the inequalities of the subordinate group. Power theories are not about integration, instead they aim to maintain a stratification of social classes. That being said, intergroup contact that seeks to maintain a hierarchy and subordination is also considered power-conflict since there is a high abundance of political and economic inequality where there is a need to adapt to the dominant culture even though the benefits of equality may not be seen as a …show more content…

When someone migrates voluntarily, there is no doubt that it is a choice and these individuals are willing to dive into a new culture, new language, new customs, etc. however they are also willing to adapt to any changes that they need to phase. Those who migrate voluntarily are likely to resettle themselves because of push and pull factors and due to this they are willing to overcome any obstacle even if it is leaving their culture behind and adapting to a new way of life. For example, many immigrant who come to the United States had to leave behind their way of life and immediately get a hold of the english language, as time progresses they are likely to pick up customs as well, whether it is conscious or not, immigrants being to pick up the culture of their new country. When someone migrates voluntarily they are likely to be more open to the changes they have to encounter, that is why such foreigners could be open to changes that eventually leads them to completely assimilate into the dominating

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