
Ordinary People: Comparison Of Book And Movie

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The book Ordinary People was told in the perspective of a depressed teenage boy and his father. The theme of the story is that things happen but it’s not always your fault. Conrad has survival guilt. He feels like it’s his fault that Jordan died, so he takes it out on himself. Calvin feels responsible for Conrad's accident. The book and the movie have a lot of similarities and differences. In both the book and the movie Beth, the mother, never really checked on Conrad much. Calvin did most of the parenting with Conrad. She seemed distant from everyone like she didn’t care about them. But in the book we never got to see her point of view so in the movie we learned how she really felt. In the movie Beth says she thinks Conrad isn’t happy at school and and people don’t like being around him. She says she can’t deal with him anymore. Beth comes off as a little selfish. Even towards the end of the movie Calvin asked her why she didn’t even cry at Jordan’s funeral. He says that he was going crazy because his son just died and all she was worried about was how he looked. So even though in the book and movie are different points of view of Beth she still seems like the same person that doesn’t show emotion and is distant. …show more content…

Conrad even starts talking to Jeaninne a lot sooner in the movie then in the book. She helps him overcome his depression. Seeing Dr.Berger also helped him with his depression. He helps him decide to quit the swim team, and that makes him less stressed, but it happens at different times in the book and the

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