
Organ Donation: A Right or a Wish Essay

Decent Essays

A family is grieving. Their seventeen year old daughter was just pronounced brain dead after extensive treatment following a motor vehicle accident left her life sustained only by machines working in place of her vital organs. Midwest transplant team was notified to talk to the family about saving other’s lives by donating their daughter’s organs. On the patient’s driver’s license was a little heart showing her wish to be an organ donor, but because of her minor status, her wish was not legal consent. According to Midwest Transplant Network (2010), Kansas was designated a consent state as of July 1st, 2010. This means that anyone over the age of 18 can legally register to be a donor and not have that right revoked by next of kin after …show more content…

Autonomy literally means self-governing. It is the principle that allows clients to have the freedom to make choices about all issues that affect their life (Burkhardt & Nathaniel, 2007). By allowing patients to be autonomous they are able to make decisions about their care, issues, desires, and what happens to them or their body after death. Autonomy is not possible without the respect of others to allow their wishes to be carried out. Though the client is only 17 years old and thus a minor, autonomy is still her right. It is being compromised when others are going against her wish to be a donor. (2010) encourages all who wish to donate their organs in occurrence of death to inform their family and make their wishes known, because it is their right to make such a decision for themselves. This is a serious decision and if important to someone then they should be able to talk about it and make sure their family is willing to follow through with their wishes. Fidelity is the principle relating to faithfulness and keeping promises (Burkhardt & Nathaniel, 2007). Though it may not have been an actual promise, the client may have believed that by making her wish to be an organ donor public knowledge on her driver’s license, it was a promise to her

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