
Organ Donation Case Study

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Parents of the pediatric donors are understandably torn between the best interest of their child, and altruism in the face of tragedy. Preserving the right of parents to revoke first person consent respects the significance of choice parents are asked to make while grieving the acute loss of their son or daughter. In Illinois, unemancipated minors are not allowed to make any other healthcare decisions or enter into legal contracts, so this legislation indeed presents parents with a unique situation (Illinois Hospital Association, 2015). Patients awaiting transplant Patients awaiting transplant are acutely aware of the possibility of their condition deteriorating before a lifesaving organ becomes available. Increasing the number of available organs by allowing anyone obtaining a state I.D. or drivers license in Illinois to register to be an organ donor …show more content…

Professional lobbyists for advocacy groups such as Gift of Hope and Mid-America transplant in Illinois as well as nursing organizations including American Nephrology Nurses Association, International Transplant Nurses Society and the American Association of Critical Care Nurses would be valuable assets. Advocates from these professional organizations are crucial for creating awareness within their organizations and alerting stakeholders such as those awaiting transplant and their families, bedside nurses, and newly licensed drivers to the introduction of H.B. 1805. Advocates may also testify at hearings or work to educate the Representatives about the issue. When advocating in a professional role or as an individual, a thorough understanding of all sides of the issue is necessary to be able to answer questions and respond to opposition. Utilizing recent data on organ donation supply and demand, and conveying the implications of passing the legislation as well as failing to pass the legislation are effective techniques for garnering

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