
Organ Donation For An Organ Transplant

Decent Essays

According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services 18 people die each day waiting for an organ transplant. They also state that one organ donor can save up to eight lives. Those are significant numbers that should make us very much aware of the monumental impact organ donation can have on the lives of so many critically ill patients and their families. Although the tragedy of an accident or horrifying event is sometimes unbearable for the patient and the patient’s family, it may result in what some may call a “new hope” for those who are awaiting organ transplantation. Emergency department doctors and nurses play an integral part between life and death, between trying to save the patient and preserving the option of organ donation in the patient who cannot be saved.
There are two sources for donor organs. The first source removes organs from recently deceased people. These organs are called cadaveric organs. A person becomes a cadaveric organ donor by indicating that they would like to be an organ donor when they die. This decision is usually noted either on a driver’s license or on a health care directive. (Ethics of Organ Transplantation, 2004) The second source for donor organs is a living person. Living donors are often related to the patient, but that is not always the case and certainly does not have to be the case. The one factor that must occur for cadaveric organ donation to be possible is brain death. Brain death is defined as

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