
Organ Transplant Pros And Disadvantages

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Organ transplants have saved the lives of many patients, and have brought nothing but happiness to donors and their families. However, there is a constant conflict between the Human Immune system and foreign cells. The Reason this is such a big issue is due to the fact that newly transplanted organs can be detected, and then attacked by immune cells. This in turn, renders the organ and operation useless; putting the patient in further danger and can even worsen their condition than before.

Transplantation is when an organ, tissue or cell is removed from one site to another, often this is between one body (a donor) and the body of a recipient. The number one problem with organ and tissue transplants and that is the fact that there is a chance of transplant rejection. This chance depends partly on the degree of genetic variation between the displaced organ and the host. A graft is another term used to describe a piece of living tissue that is transplanted.

An Autograft is moved from on area of the body to another area of that same body and receives no rejection. A Xenograft, occurs between two different species and would have the highest chance of rejection. Allografts, the most common type of graft are between members of the same species and as a result have a lower chance of rejection.

Surprisingly enough the type of transplant also affects the chances of rejection as well. For example some sites like the eye and the brain are immunologically privileged. This means is that they have minimal to no immune system cells and for that reason can tolerate even mismatched grafts. On the other extreme though, the heart, kidneys and liver are highly vascular organs and lead to a vigorous cell mediated response from the host. Since our immune systems act like a defense system, when foreign things are introduced to our bodies this defense system always takes precautions to ensure it’s not a threat.

Rejections are caused by antigens called histocompatibility antigens, the most vigorous allograft rejection reactions are cause by ones located on the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). In Humans, the MHC is called the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) system and it’s located on the short arm of chromosome 6. The MHC

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