
Organic Cranberries Research Paper

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Organic Cranberries a Benefit to all aspects.
When you think of thanksgiving dinner you think of a magenta cranberry purée resting on the table for consumption, but what if I told you most of the cranberries contain chemicals? Organic cranberry farms, like Cranberry Hill, are at low demand and out of the several thousand acres of cranberry bogs almost all are GMO filled. The GMOs are not only controversial in health problems but also create overgrowing issues on the surrounding environment. Organic cranberry farms like the one found in Massachusetts must be further educated and grown to provide better health influence on the consumer and a overall better looking environment.
To begin with, cranberry farms are typically filled with pesticides …show more content…

Potential effects include cancer and damage to the nervous, endocrine, and reproductive systems.” There is a solution to these issues, organic cranberry farms. Cranberry Hill is a farm that produces organic cranberries in southeast massachusetts. The organic cranberries from Cranberry Hill are at high demand, providing them with good income. However, the income is not what they are looking for. Organic cranberry farms are new and not much information is know on how to run them efficiently. These growing cranberry farms are looking for more information on the art of organic producing foods. Organic farming is growing but not quick enough for the global demand, due to the fact there is not enough information for farmers to convert to organic farming. Cranberry Hill converted a few years ago but still does not have enough information available to further build the company. “Even after the many years of organic growing, we learn something new every year and still have much to learn about Vaccinium Macrocarpon - the American Cranberry.” However, in controversy to this issue Cranberry Hill is unique and asks for assistance/ more information on how to better their …show more content…

However, with pesticide filled farms it creates issues for the surrounding environment. In past recent years, the environment has been greatly affected, whether that be because of climate change or pollution (both being devastating to the people and animals affected). If our environment continues to deteriorate there will be nothing left. Cranberry Hill’s bogs are all natural and do not contain pesticides that could harm the environment even more. In recent years there have been studies on bees and how the population is deteriorating quickly. Bees pollinate the world and provide us pollinate food sources, without the bees humans cannot live. However, pesticides create great harm to the bees. “Many materials that are used to control insects, weeds, and plant diseases are toxic to honey bees.” If the bees continue to consume the pesticides commonly found in cranberry bogs, there will be no hope in restoring the bee population or even the food in which we need for survival. Some may argue that there is no substantial effect on the environment from this and that some insects are not being affected. “As of March 2016, there was no evidence that the suppression of milkweed (the only food of the insect in its caterpillar state) by the use of herbicides caused declines in the monarch population, the committee found. In fact, the monarch population has seen a

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