The word organic may sound a bit unusual when we talk about techniques to improve memory. Here, the word organic is used to refer to the natural way in which you can work on the brain. Typically, this concept uses six different techniques that can be applied by people of all age groups to achieve memory improvement. This technique is safe and without any side effects. It is a step-by-step procedure, which does not involve any medication or treatment.
Step-By-Step Memory Improvement Techniques
Exercise: This is the first step in the process of memory improvement. Exercise not only keeps you in shape, it also improves the brain function. It releases neurotransmitters that cure a host of brain related problems. Exercise also generates new neurons.
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Do not dump anything and everything in it. Watching what you eat helps improve memory. Proper nutrition is another important factor. There are foods that promote brain health and these should be included in your daily diet. Your food should include Omega 3 fatty acids, Carotenoids, Vitamin C, D, E, K, A and B1.
Supplements: It may not be possible to make drastic changes to your diet. Practically, it may be difficult to eat healthy foods everyday. You may require supplements to meet your requirement of brain healthy food.
Trick your brain: There are some ways in which you can trick your brain to memorize and recall effectively. This trick helps to improve memory and is known to work wonderfully. The tricks used for memory improvement include chunking, rhyming, bridging and reciting.
Mind games: Mental stimulation helps in keeping the brain active and alive. Playing mind games like puzzles, matching games, trivia games are a part of memory improvement techniques. Your brain is an organ that is capable of thinking and when you don't use it often, it tends to get sluggish. Inactivity and lack of mental stimulation are major causes of memory loss. Mind games help protect against cognitive
Have you ever been depressed or need to rev up your memory and you do not know how to fix it? There is a way to fix this. Just go out and do a hard exercise frequently and it may work.The article “Exercise builds brawns and brains,” by Esther Landhuis is about how 20 min of exercise can rev up your memory. Passage two “Strong body helps the mind,” by Stephen Ornes is about how exercising for longer periods of time can rev up your memory and keep away depression.
Cavanaugh and Blanchard-Fields (2015) state that there is research showing how brain plasticity can be enhanced through aerobic exercise (p.51). It is important that adults be active in their lives. A 30-minute walk or some type of physical activity will benefit them as the age. The text mentions a study done by Erickson and his colleagues in 2009 where they studied the effect of aerobic exercise on the hippocampus. They found that due to aerobic exercise it produced greater volume in the hippocampus. This is significant because the hippocampus is the part of the brain that is responsible for memory, emotions, and spatial functioning. The body does not only need physical activities to produce healthier cognitive functioning but also nutrients. The text identifies three nutrient biomarker patterns that are significant on the aging brain. These nutrients are vitamin B, C,D, and E, omega-3, and trans fat. the foods that belong to these nutrients are beneficial to the brain. Older adults should make an effort to include these nutrients into their diets. positive impacts these nutrients make are better cognitive functioning and greater brain
Memory retrieval skills gradually deteriorate over a person’s lifespan. It becomes harder to remember events and recall what was learned. Forgetting something doesn’t mean the memory is gone, it’s just a retrieval failure. Inside Out displays what happens to long term memories when they are forgotten. We see that the glassy memory orbs darken and desaturate in color, and ‘mind workers’ regularly clean out the old memories. This is quite similar to pruning, as it shows how not all memories retain the same duration. There are ways, however, to improve retrieval. Professors McDermott and Roediger suggest, “Relating new information to what one already knows, forming mental images, and creating associations among information that needs to be remembered. (McDermott & Roediger,
Memory is how we as human’s store past events in our minds to retrieve them at a later time. Our ability to remember and retrieve these past memories can be likened to how a computer functions, such as in the information processing approach. This approach gives emphasis to the basic practice of remembering, and the steps involved in our mental functionality (Sigelman & Rider, 2014). As humans, our memory and ability to recall information naturally declines as we age, and there are many possible reasons for this declined ability, such as not having to rehearse information as often after retirement, or the lack of mental exercise and regular maintenance done for the brain.
Scientists found that individuals who kept their brains lively had decreased levels of this protein. Older people with the highest level of brain activity had protein levels equal to those of young people. Those with the lowest levels of brain activity had levels equivalent with Alzheimer’s patients. “Individuals with high cognitive engagement may prevent or slow the deposition of the protein fragments, which influences the progression of Alzheimer’s” (qtd. in Hope). Those who were cognitively active were two times less likely to develop this disease than those who got minimal mental stimulation. Mental stimulation includes games and puzzles such as sudoku which may improve the brain’s ability to remember and retrieve information. Researchers claim that keeping the brain active with reading, writing and crosswords could also help prevent this disease. All learning is based on what is already known, or an association to what is already known. When learning something new, synapses are made which are connections between nerve cells in the brain. Due to this, new synapses are not just being made, but the ones that are already there are being strengthened. Staying busy and socializing with friends and loved ones keep memory sharp by helping maintain the brain’s health and boosting its memory. Mental
8. Identify three strategies you can use to improve your memory and recall. Explain how you plan to implement them.
“ A new government study estimates that nearly 80 percent of adult Americans do not get the recommended amounts of exercise each week, potentially setting themselves up for years of health problems” (Ryan Jaslow). This states that if people don’t get enough exercise then they are going to have health problems. Getting enough exercise also helps your brain health and memory. “ Exercise can improve brain function and protect memory and thinking skills” ( Arlene Semeco). This proves that exercise is a solution to improve your memory, brain function, and weight loss.
Brain-Boosting: A now famous study, published in 2006 in the journal Neurobiology of Aging, showed that the administration of medium chain triglycerides (most plentiful found in coconut oil) in 20 subjects with Alzheimer's disease or mild cognitive impairment, resulted in significant increases in ketone bodies (within only 90 minutes after treatment) associated with measurable cognitive improvement in those with less
One way how a busy person with limited time can improve your memory, is with an excellent herbal supplement available called gingko biloba. You may not believe that a herb can really make a difference, but it really does work. Gingko biloba helps to improve circulation to the brain and thereby improves your ability to remember all kinds of information.
Now, the good news is that you can still preserve a healthy and working brain for long by using the right brain stimulating techniques and of course, living a healthy lifestyle. All these activities briefly quoted above are meant to give you more “brain power”.
Nutrition is being examined as a factor that can impact the brain. Brain cells are the most complex, long living and nutritionally demanding cells in the body (Murray, 2014). These cells are impacted by the nutrition available
Episodic memory critically depends on the medial temporal lobe and several neocortical regions during memory encoding (Papassotiropoulos). Memory strategies to help with long-term memory has not been shown to affect memory rehabilitation (Ylvisaker). One reason is people with common forgetfulness often do not use the strategies that have been taught to help with memorization. Also most have limited “space” in their working memory, therefore it is hard to remember these strategies. Most of the studies have been conducted with adults who rarely have to learn or memorize large amounts of new information. However, in an academic atmosphere, it is worth encouraging students to do at least some of the following at the time of encoding to enhance their memory (Hibbard). These being summarizing, taking notes, speaking information aloud and taking in reasonably small amounts of information in short amounts of
Focus on it. So many people get caught up in multi-tasking that we often fail to do the one thing that will almost always improve your memory, paying attention to the task at hand. This is important, because your brain needs time to encode the information properly. If it never makes it into your memory, you won’t be able to recall it later. If you need to memorize something, quit multitasking (Grohol, J. (2010)).
When learning occurs, it can occur through many different processes. Inevitably, some of what is learnt is later forgotten, which leads to the question of what can be done to improve memory and if memory is linked to a particular learning process. This study of memory is related to cognitive psychology, which studies human mental processes. The aim of this experiment is to see whether different levels of processing information can alter the accuracy and amount of information that can be recalled.
Three memory techniques that I find useful are VCR3, Pegging, Words. Which without knowing it, have used them in many ways, especially when trying to remember where things are or what days to call someone, or for appointments. I have always made little notes and used colors to memorize what is on this day and if I need to bring anything to this appointment, or what paperwork will be needed,