
Organization Behavior And Organizational Behavior

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Organization behavior including both individual and group, which take an important role on company’s performance, a good manager with high ability to manage the employees’ satisfaction and involvement could achieve a higher performance of the company. In recent years, most of companies used balanced scorecards to determine the companies’ goals to improve the performance, which including employee coaching and mentoring. In this report, we will conduct the performance of a company with the interaction between organization behaviors, employee training and use of balanced scorecards.

2. Organizational behavior and tangible result

Organizational behavior which include the individual behaviors, group behaviors and the structure within the organizations. Organization behavior in a company play a vital role in the development of organization, which could improve the overall performance on both individuals and groups in job satisfaction and commitment. Organizational behavior is also relevant the management in company that manager face, which are leadership, decision making, team building, motivation and job satisfaction. The detail as follows:
Chart 1: Organizational behavior Model This is the chart of Organizational behavior Model, it can be seen clearly that there are three levels, which are individual level, group level and organization systems level. The performance of these three levels directly reflect the company’s performance. Within Individual level, there are three

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