
Organizational Behavior: Managerial and Organizational Challenges

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ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR ORGB 3201-05: Spring 2014 Instructor: Marla Baskerville Watkins Class Schedule: Tuesdays and Fridays(3:25-5:05) Dodge 140 Office: College of Business, 112 Hayden Hall,Management and Organizational Development Office Hours: Office Hours: Tuesdays (11-1) E-Mail: REQUIRED READINGS You will be required to read a textbook, academic articles, news articles, and cases that can be retrieved from your coursepacket, the internet, and Blackboard. Textbook: Hitt, M. A., Miller, C. C., & Colella, A. Organizational Behavior: A Strategic Approach. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley. Second Edition. Coursepacket: Available at The Harvard …show more content…

Exams 1, 2, and 3 will cover the material presented before that respective exam. Exam 4 will be a cumulative and optionalfinal exam. If you take all exams, your lowest exam score will be dropped, so that your course grade is based on your three highest exam scores. If you are satisfied with your first 3 exams you DO NOT have to take the final exam. Make-up exams will ONLY be given for university required activities. No make-up exams will be given for any other reason. If you are unable to take an exam during its scheduled time, then that exam will count as the one that you drop and you must take the final exam to replace it. Each exam is the property of the professor and should not be removed from my office. TEAM PROJECT: Organizational Behavior and the Movies The organizational behavior concepts and principles that we will cover during this session are present in many situations, including the movies. I will randomly assign small groups. Each group will select a movie to analyze using OB concepts and theories that will be discussed in this course. Since there will be no overlap of movies, team choices will be approved on a first come first served basis. This team project includes a 20 minute group presentation and an individual team analysis (4 pages). OB “In the News”Assignment You will be responsible for writing one(threepages,typed, and double-spaced) summary/critique and giving a 5-minute briefing

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